Some time based rules not triggering?

The state appears correctly, but my triggers aren't firing. This started happening on a hue integration and a wifi tplink outlet, on 2 separate rules. I got one of the rules (switch outlet) to fire by adjusting the rule slightly - rule should turn outlet off from 8pm to 9am and around 820pm I switched the rule to turn off at 8:01pm, saved the rule, and the switch turned off. Before and after I adjusted the rule, the rule showed as "True"

I am running a couple custom drivers including the wifi lightbulb driver that has been reported to be slowing down hubs. I have no idea if the driver IS actually slowing down my hub, how I'd know, or if that would even matter in this situation.

I've just now enabled logging on my rules to see if anything can come from that. Here's a screenshot of the rule (it's false in that ss because it is 9:09am, not because of a bug in the logic, just wanted to avoid confusion..)

Where'd that dark theme come from?

Earlier today I was wondering why I see light theme coming up on my desktop and other people's screenshots actually haha! My phone is a Samsung Note 9 and I use Samsung's browser which has a built-in dark mode. I wish every website and app would start using flat black as much as possible though because OLED is the new CRT and zero light coming through for a black pixel is amazing

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Love the dark theme!