Solved: Scoobie Doo lighting mystery - Scoobie snacks offered to help solve the case!

I've recently pulled a Hue bulb that I used to use from my spares and put it into a table lamp called Green lamp. Works fine in one sense, on/off from Device page and I've added to GH and can control via voice.

The mystery is why it's turning on in the morning. When I come out to the family room in the AM it's already on. This AM it turned on at 7:26, but it's been on every morning since I set it up a few days ago.

Green lamp Device events page shows Nighty-Nite Lights Group activating:

I checked and the group activator and it indeed turned on at 7:26am, but I can't figure out what turned it on.

There are no means to activate in the group other than the activator device...

...and as far as I can tell I don't have anything set up to turn on the activator at 7:26am. As shown in the screen cap above there are no timed/scheduled means to activate in the group settings:

The Nighty-nite activator is getting turned on by the RM rule, but that only runs at night when a virtual switch (Nighty-Nite 2) is turned on, and that did not happen this AM:


Nighty-Nite 2 was not doing anything this AM to trigger the rule:

So why is the group activator being turned on in the morning?

I know I'm missing something staring me in the face - appreciate if someone can point me at it. :slight_smile:

The only avenue I can advise you to consider is whether your Hue Bulbs (or Hue generally) are associated with other integrations, such as Alexa or similar voice assistant.

In particular, are Hunches turned off in the Alexa app?

Next, when you visit your Philips Hue developer account (if any) to review – and ideally pare down – the list of Remote Hue API appids you may have authorized in the past.

Any of these could be "secretly" affecting your Hue system, so its best to get that house in order before proceeding with Hubitat troubleshooting exercises.

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Yup - disabled in the Alexa app ages ago, and and I don't actually use it or have my Alexa speaker in use any more.

I'll have to review to be sure, but not running any other integrations of Hue bridge or hue decvies that I'm aware of. I'll take a look at the developer account link, thanks for that tip.

Whowever is doing this is going to be very sorry! (Especially since it's probably me. :wink: )


Very helpful link...I don't think I've ever visited it, not keeping my house in order.

OK...some of the apps are as expected, but quite a few that I'm not sure about. Harmony Hub is expected as well as the Samsung device, but lots of others that I need to figure out.

The two w/what look like API keys aren't obvious to me, and the "7-0" is a complete mystery, as is the api-local-actions#jetstream. Can I assume these were all enabled by me, and I can remove them w/out causing any issues other than w/integrations I hav enabled?

I'm assuming one of these is the HE hub. Any way to ID which of them?

2023-02-19 18_46_14-3D Printing

EDIT: Removed a bunch of stuff, down to this below. Just want to confirm if the top-right app is the HE hub or ?

In my house there's this light switch that doesn't do anything. Every so often I would flick it on and off just to check.

Yesterday, I got a call from a woman in Madagascar.

She said, 'Cut it out.'

_ Steven Wright


If it helps to know, I removed all the API apps from my Hue account and nothing broke. Lots of leftovers from early days. (I don't think any of them was HE, mind you.)

Assume as well that you're using the CoCo Hue Integration as your bulb driver in HE. Way better than the others IMHO.

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Love his stuff! Remember the first time I saw him, just so funny.

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Been on my list forever to add, keep getting distracted by other stuff. But agree it looks fantastic...

what about maker api.. something remotely could be triggering the url

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That does seem like a potential path, I've turned on debug logging in maker api and we'll see tomorrow morning what happens. Not sure what else I can look at to track down maker api w/out debug on.

you give out the url to your kids or ex.. and they are ffing with you? lol I remember reading about an ex that kept setting the temp to 50 degress in the morn in his old house.

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So after clearing out most of my apps in the Hue controls, I found none of my hue bulbs responding to commands from HE via Picos. Looked at the Hue integration and found this:


Pressed the button on the Hue hub and it all came something I removed caused some problems.

Looked at the app list on the Hue bridge page and guess who's back? I think I may need to spin up a separate topic on this. Seems weird.


EDIT: Noticed the next morning that this second app I had deleted also returned. Must be related to/needed by the HE integration:

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My younger son, yes, he would think that's hilarious. But they don't have any access, so not them. Maybe an old GF from my past is back to haunt me... :wink:

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Started a new topic on the odd behavior w/the "7-0" app.

And turns out the 7-0 is actually HE, so not an issue, other than really, really confusing labeling. :slight_smile:


I had one of the 2nd gen glass Hue bulbs that would randomly turn on. It drove me crazy because I was trying to figure out what was turning it on. After not finding anything, I removed it from HE, reset it, added it to a separate Hue bridge (by itself and not connected to anything else), and it still happened. I finally fixed it by getting another Hue bulb and throwing out the problem one :wink:


Reporting back this morning and it's a new day (literally and figuratively) - the bulb did not turn on "by itself" this morning.

So seems likely one of the integrations that I removed yesterday may have been the root cause. Just one morning so not 100% proven yet, but hopefully this result will persist. Thanks for all the help from everyone, especially @DubbyDad for sharing the link to the Hue developer account.


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