[Solved] Rachio Scheduling watering Issue?

Anyone seeing issue with the rachio integration sending watering command to the rachio? I didn't realize that the integration has any scheduling capabilities. As you can see from the rachio history, it started a zone because of Hubitat.

That's interesting... I'm certain there is no schedule functionality in the integration

OK so I think I know the cause of this. I have a RuleMachine rule to turn on that zone when motion is detected. I just did a test where I turn on the zone from Hubitat and got the same log message.

Case close..

I don't have a Rachio, so I can't install the Integration to see what features it has. I have an EtherRain, which is similar enough at the 10,000meter level. I have a driver for it, but it's quite impractical. I can turn on a valve, turn it off. (oh boy, I can hear the cheering from here :slight_smile: ) Therefore, I'm wondering what the Rachio Integration brings to the picnic. :slight_smile:

Is it just status? Rachio has valve X on, kinda thing?

Ya. Thatโ€™s pretty much it.

The zones you configure in the Rachio app show up in Hubitat as devices. You can turn them on and off and it starts a quick cycle of that zone. There is also an all zone button that is on if any zone is on or turns it all off if you press it.

The smarts of the whole system is configured in the Rachio app itself which Iโ€™m fine with as it has a lot of things you can configure.

Thanks :slight_smile:

I was reading more into "Integration" than it deserves, I guess :slight_smile:

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