[Solved] Dashboard Not Updating since hotfix

Are you loading a backup?
A backup is basically the database not the software version.

On the backup and restore tab it shows the previous software versions too, so I thought that would also restore the previous version software. How would I restore to a previous software revision?

Click “ If you want to restore a previous Platform Version [click here]” on the backup and restore page.

The longer power down seemed to help thanks. I also removed the Zooz switch it still wasn't working, it seems to produce alot of unnecessary activity over the zwave. I will try to re-include that at a later time. I do notice these strange logs on 289 a Go Control Thermostat. Any ideas what I should do to remedy that?

Got it thank you!

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I'll try excluding and including the tstat later to see if it resolves that error.

I excluded and included the thermostat and I get those same error messages. Does anyone know what I can do to troubleshoot this? I also reset the device according to factory reset guide.

Sorry, no idea how to remedy but you're not alone. I get that error and others with my GoControl Tstat which all seem to reference "parse". I submitted this to support in July and have been asking for updates but haven't received any.

I appreciate the feedback its difficult getting use to the hit and miss support for this system