[Solved] 2.0.6. All my Xiaomi devices went offline

Which switches are you using and which driver?

Anything in the logs when you push the buttons?

I'm confused. Are you saying you have zigbee switches that control the Hue bulbs? Please provide more details so we can help...make and model of switches...do the switches control the electric load to the fixture or are they essentially button controllers.

They are philips dimmer switches using driver “Philips Dimmer Button Controller”

They don’t actually control lights as I use the button app to remap the buttons to what we want / need. They all worked great until updating last night now nothing when buttons are pushed. Nothing in logs currenty when buttons are pushed

Sorry for lack of details originally

And I can confirm after update 112 all my Xiaomi devices directly to the hub are working. Thanks Chuck.


Ahh..gotcha. You should probably create a separate thread for your issue as this one is related to Xiaomi devices specifically.

You should also check your logs when pressing the buttons on the switches to see if they register any events.

Ya nothing in logs. I just repaired and the worked thanks

So just to confirm, with the latest hotfix for 2.0.6 that specifically targets the Xiaomi devices falling off the network... Has this issue now been resolved and no devices drop anymore after installation?


10h in and they are holding.

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Yep. Me too.
All good here now.


I was just saying I'd fill my house with Xiaomi door sensors last night if I knew they'd stay connected...
Is the future looking bright?

Let me know if I understand incorrectly...but my experience has been (older firmware, haven't updated to 2.0.6 yet) that if my Xiaomi devices connect directly to the hub, all is well. But I have some Iris plugs for my Hampton Bay fan controllers and Iris key fobs, and if somehow the Xiaomi devices connect through those, they drop off. So I pretty much have to keep the Xiaomi devices close to the hub. I don't think I will buy any more of them!

Frankly, I find this statement disingenuous, and an unfair portrayal, as it implies I was asked to join and refused.

That is simply not true.

When I stated this:

You contacted me to say that there was an open beta invite, and all who asked to join were accepted.

For whatever reasons, as I explained to you, I did not see that open invite - which should have been obvious from my statement that I did not know if someone has to ask or be invited.

If I had seen that open beta invite, I would have asked to join. But the invite post was subsequently deleted and a Beta Community Forums category was started as you explained, presumably invisible to non-beta users because I cannot see it. So I continued to be unaware of the possibility of asking to join the beta group until yesterday.

And at this point I have decided not to ask to join, after you told me there are no upcoming planned changes / fixes / improvements to the ZigBee stack or Zigbee device message parse methods.

Deciding to not ask to join is definitely not the same as refusing to join. If feel his walks the line of throwing blame on me, when in truth the issues that users were describing in this thread have absolutely nothing to do with me.

I'll say it again - all I am is a user trying to help other users.

If because I am trying to help users with "unsupported" devices, Hubitat sees wasted time and resources and no added value by what I'm doing, then tell me now - and I will abandon what I've been doing.


Have 8 here (along with some repeaters) they've been holding well for me :+1:

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Correct, no real changes have taken place on this. If you have Xiaomi compatible repeaters then all is fine.

If you have incompatible repeaters, then implementing Xiaomi devices will likely be painful for you without replacing the incompatible repeaters.

The Iris are not Xiaomi compatible repeaters.

I'm sorry I did not mean to imply that you declined joining the beta at the beginning. Regardless the invitation I extended to you yesterday to join the beta group is still open if you change your mind and want to join in the future.


NO! Please don't abandon! As long as we users know the rules we should be OK and I sure do love my Magic Cubes (as long as they are close to the hub :wink:)!


The majority of my motion sensors and contact sensors are Xiaomi. Without them I have NO home automation.
I do have one other option which I do not want to persue.

Honestly I do hope that HE realizes that they need to move exactly on the opposite direction of your statement. Xiaomi brand is probably the largest brand in number of units on their ecosystem.
Your work is critical and fundamental in the meantime and to help move forward to that goal.

So please hit the bullet and join the beta. You know that you have my support.

As the day that HE no longer supports Xiaomi brand either official/unofficial you will see an Exodus from the platform as the cost of HA will sore on.
Not everyone can spend thousands in devices....
Nothing to do with HE but each individual cost to operate taking in consideration things like WAF...

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37 posts were split to a new topic: Further Xiaomi Pros and Cons