Why don't you just do a cancel of the alert? That will stop whatever alert you have from continuing to go off. You don't have to disarm anything if all you want to do is cancel an alert.
If you wanted to do it from a dashboard you could set up a virtual switch.
Or, in HSM's dashboard tile, just choose "Cancel All Alerts". I don't see why you are having trouble.
In fact, if you have this set up in HSM, even if the smoke detector changes to clear, you will have to cancel the alert in HSM too. The detector going clear will not clear the Alert in HSM. But once you do clear the alert, and the sensor goes to clear and then back to detected, the alert will go off again, just as intended.
Now, if you are asking for a way to disarm the smoke rule for HSM for a period of time, you can do that with Rule Machine. And it will apply to all monitoring rules. So, smoke, battery, anything you have defined. IMHO, you should not have a monitoring rule defined in HSM if you aren't using it. That would screw up the logic. But no, there is no way to selectively arm or disarm monitoring rules in HSM. That is not what HSM is intended for. If you want to do that, use Rule Machine instead.