Smoke alarms

Yes. But, Alexa just listens for the distinctive sound of any brand of smoke alarm like a person would. No need for Zigbee, Z-Wave, or any other modifications. If you are an Alexa household you have but to ask and it is done. That's it.

Yes, I have Alexa Guard turned on in my Alexa devices. And I have it turned on in my Wyze cameras. But I don't feel they are as reliable as a dedicated device.

When I had my smokes go off (see above: Smoke alarms - #45 by jlv) I only had 2 Alexas (and no Wyze yet), and Alexa did detect the alarms. But the Ecolink Firefighter did so, the alert got to me quickly, and I could put an automation around it. I don't remember if the Alexa app on my phone told me about the alarm.

(Now that I have several more Alexa devices as well as the Wyze, I will do a test to see how fast they work, next time my wife is out of the house).

Unfortunately Jeff Bezos has deemed that everyone outside of the US isn't worthy. Alexa Guard is only available in the US.

For now, the (all zigbee) Heiman smoke, CO & gas alarms do the job, along with a Honeywell/Mijia smoke alarm in the kitchen which has adjustable sensitivity.
Hubitat sends audio alerts to google/alexa devices, flashes some smart bulbs red, turns on the rest of the lights in the house (so we can see our way out) and sends alerts to our phones really quickly.

There are a couple of non-smart redundancy backup alarms in the house - just in case!

Yeah I have Alexa and I wouldn't rely on it for anything so important. Especially since comcast can go any time. (And frequently does). I don't even rely on it for any sort of primary control.

Could it be the case that the restriction to the US is because all smoke alarms sold in the US have exactly same alarm sound frequency and pattern, and that may not be the case elsewhere?

Mind you, I hesitate to rush to Jeff Bezos's defense as I'm not inclined to do so. In fact, I have pleasant dreams where he gets a shock from cattle prod stuck up his anal orifice any time anyone's Alexa says, "By the way."

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