Smartthings Multipurpose Sensor V5 not reporting acceleration

I have 5 of these sensors that have quit reporting acceleration. They report open/close, temp, battery but no acceleration. They use to work, so I don't know how this can happen. All of them quit reporting acceleration. What clued me in was the mailbox sensor not notifying me about getting mail.
I have tried using other drivers but none work with acceleration. Any ideas about what is happening. I searched the forum but could not find this issue being reported.

So the proverbial question, did you change ANYTHING....
-their driver, settings, do an HE update, change the batteries, any thing?
Is there a ST Hub involved?
Did any or all go "off the mesh" for any reason, hub relocated, intermediary repeating device go down?

Have you kept one or more that had worked untouched as a reference? Or have you lifted the lid on all their drivers or settings at this point? IF YOU HAVE ANY UNTOUCHED, I'D LEAVE THOSE ALONE for now and focus on the others.

I just went through a real rigmarole getting mine switched from non-garage mode to garage mode and all I can say is that "when you are messing with them" (i.e. settings, driver) they can
exhibit frustratingly temperamental behavior until you do the right "two step dance" to get the right driver configured and the settings settled. (This is my experience).

Baring changes to anything as above...I'm waiting for someone to speak up with some other explanation. Like perhaps an EMP blast over your location :man_shrugging:

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I had this with a couple of mine recently. After finding the battery was okay I just put then in pair mode and did a device scan.

I told you that I changed the driver, but on only one of the 5 sensors in question. I do HE updates all the time. I was not wanting to rollback versions if I don't have to. I was hoping that someone else had had this problem before and knew how to fix it. I change batteries when they are dead in all of my devices, don't you? I only have HE hub C7 at this time. As I said, all the other functions of the sensors function as expected so they are connected to the mesh. It is just kind of strange that the acceleration stopped working but the other functions don't. Yes, I also hope someone else can help me.

Thanks for the tip. I tried your fix and it didn't help.

sorry I asked anything that might help bring context for others to help suss out what happened.

I'll leave it to someone else to suggest you reset, and re-pair them all.

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I have one on my dryer and after changing the battery it wouldn’t behave properly until I clicked configure on the device page. I learned to do this every time I replaced the battery. Hopefully this will solve your issue.


I have been doing this for many years and I did not know to press configure after a battery change. I will know from now on. Thanks for the tip.

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I want to apologize for being so gruff in my reply. When I read your post I thought you made me sound stupid. It was my fault for not explaining that I had already checked the items you mentioned. My bad, I know you were just trying to help. Don't let my crappy attitude stop you from helping someone else.


No worries, it's often a consequence of us typing in these little boxes where sentiment isn't always typed or read the same way it was meant to be conveyed....or just as often on any particular day we let our own moods set the tone of how we read things.

Thanks for saying so.