SmartThings Button with the Safety Monitor

I'm new to the community so I am definitely new to the platform. I'm trying to use the SmartThings button to disarm the Safety Monitor with no luck. The documentation states to use the number 1 if there is only one button. I have the Safety Monitor configured to disarm when the button is pressed. I'm seeing events for the button presses, but the Safety Monitor stays armed. It would be nice if I could use the held state to disarm like I was using in SmartThings.

The interesting thing is that if I set it to a number like "123" in Safety Monitor for the button to disarm, I can type in that number in the web interface for the controls of the button and press the button. It will then disarm.

Am I missing something? I appreciate the help.


Welcome to HE and the community.

nm....I see Bert replying and his answers are always better than mine, so I'll leave it at hello. :slight_smile:

If you're able to post a screenshot of your app, that might help, but I see you recently joined (welcome!), so you might not be able to. It sounds like you're doing everything right. I wasn't previously using this feature but added this just to test:


This works for me to disarm HSM.

If this isn't working for you, I'm not sure why (was hoping @TechMedX might :laughing:). I'm assuming you clicked "Done" (basically saves the app and settings, creates "subscriptions" to the button press and other devices, and whatnot) when you were finished? That's my best guess. Otherwise, we could dig into the app's "status" page to make sure there is a subscription for this button, not that there is much you could do (besides trying again) if there isn't.

Nope I was going to say pretty much the same, it should , post rule, opps you can't yet. type it out.

Another good point. I have created rules and tried testing them before clicking "Done", and it does not work. I didn't know the technical reason why (still absorbing) but as @bertabcd1234 listed above you do need to "Done" all the way out before it will work.

This part is not clear to me. I have read it a few times but I don't understand where you are setting that or how you are 'pushing' button "123". Are you using a virtual button for that?

I believe my issue was not clicking done twice. I also don't believe I was waiting long enough for the status to change. Looking into the app's "status" page was awesome advice as it helped me work backwards. I was able to determine the app received the disarm command. I appreciate the help.


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I was setting "123" under Devices > SmartThings Button > Commands. I have an option to enter a number under each of the button options: Double Tap, Hold, and Push.

I was also setting "123" as the button number under the Security Monitor Disarm options when testing this.

This has been resolved as I was neglecting to hit done again. I really appreciate everyone's help and quick response.


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