Using hub c7 running platform on local google mesh network. Phone is samsung s24 ultra.
I purchased a kwikset home connect 620 lock and intended to use smartstart for install but the smartstart option is not available when following the instructions in hubitat documentation.
I did research community notes without recognizing any possible solutions.
Thanks in advance for any suggestions on how to trouble shoot
You appear to be using a mobile browser, and not the Hubitat app? You must use the Hubitat app to add devices via Smartstart.
There are some basic instructions here under the ZW-LR section about 1/4 of the way down the page Add Device | Hubitat Documentation
The workflow on the old app vs the new app is slightly different as to where Smartstart is located, so we would need to know which you are using to direct you to the correct spot.
Thanks for quick reply.
I am using the hubitat app which I've been using for several years. Tried the new app but it crashes with message from android stating it has a bug.
the app i've always used is the lower one in screen clip. The upper app is the one which crashes. it's version number is reported as 2.0.2 (245)
As mentioned above, you're definitely not following the instructions in the documentation if the screenshot you provided is supposed to provide evidence for that claim. You do need the app, not the web interface (unless you have the entire DSK and want to input it manually using a third-party app or HTTP endpoint, technically also an option...).
Can you provide the specific error you see?
Also, what hub platform version are you running? Check Settings > Hub Details to see.
If this app works for you, you can still use it. The docs you read have instructions for both versions--the option is just in a slightly different spot.