So, I wanted to update—and leave some bread crumbs for others—that the GE-JASCO—Z-Wave Plus 40-Amp Indoor-Outdoor Metal Box Smart Switch Model 14285 is a comparable solution to monitor a 240V electric drier. I bought a regular dryer cable and a 3 prong to 4 prong adapter and hooked them up to make a larger Zooz-type configuration that sits between the wall outlet and the dryer plug. The GE paired right away to the Hubitat when the GE was in the z-wave configuration. The device can report once a day, once a month, or every 10 minutes. I use the last option to tell me within 10 minutes that my dryer is stopped and has clothes in it. It will repeat until the dryer door is opened and the contact sensor is broken. Also, my washer monitor has a rule to wait for the dryer to finish before announcing.
You can turn the switch on/off too through HE or via the little button on the front, but I just use it for energy monitoring.