Smart Alarm Clock?

Please do share! Very interested in this is; this is exactly what I'm looking for.

Turbo alarm clock for android.

Tasker for android

Autoremote for tasker.

All links together wonderfully.

I use tasker and sleep as android in addition to my ios ecosystem for a smart sleep system. With my Android tablet as a bedside clock it all works beautifully together.

Be happy to. If you could clarify for me exactly what it is you're looking for lol, I'll edit the shortcut tonight and DM you an iCloud link.

Ooooh ya!

Here's my end goal, so even getting me close to it would be hyper-appreciated:

  1. Launch the Shortcut
  2. Shortcut prompts me for next wake-up time... let me call the user input %time%
    • Should work regardless of whether current time is before or after midnight
  3. Hubitat "Morning" scene set to trigger at next instance of %time%
  4. Sleep Cycle opened and set for %time%

Does that make sense?

You'll need to make a webcore
Piston or something similar (I'm new to hubitat) capable of receiving the time variable, since IOS can't really run anything without input from you unless its something like connecting to or disconnecting from carplay.

That piston will then record the variable as global. Another piston, or even the same, will need to be set to trigger your morning routine every day at the time of that global variable.

To ensure you don't get repeat alarms on different days, after the morning routine is run, the alarm time variable will then need to get reset by this piston.

If any of that is confusing to you I'll break it down and help with this pistons, idk you're level of familiarity with webcore. They can be a pain to setup but it's a one time setup and you'll be in business everyday at bedtime within seconds.

I’m not familiar with Webcore, but at first glance, it appears to be for SmarThings only. It seems to me that the Hubitat receiving end is the tricky part here... do we know of a free way to make this happen?

And point taken on the need to purge the input afterwards!

Webcore is on hubitat as well, and from what I see it does in fact work quicker. Free is my goal for everything and this is free. Look into installing Webcore in hubitat. In fact, install the hubitat package manager if you have not, and the install will be breeze. I have basically everything else you'll need in pistons and shortcuts, it'll legitimately take about twenty minutes whenever I finally get home to edit out the extras from mine. I'll just post the links here even in case anyone else wants to give it a go.

I think there are other methods for receiving http requests through hubitat but I know webcore will work.

Awesome sauce! Thank you in advance

Roger that. Installing Webcore via the Package Manager now :slight_smile:

Having issues sending messages, and getting the variable read as a time by webcore. If your alarms are always before ten AM the webcore piston I cobbled together would work, but I'm not pleased with it, so for now I've got the shortcut link right here. I can't post links apparently, so make it a link.


Hm, I’m not sure what to do with this link (sorry, not the most experienced guy here). It doesn’t work in my browser. Where should I be plugging this in?

I changed .com to CAM cause I can't send links. Originally this operated off of alexa and I had complete control over how to interpret the words that represent numbers. Shortcuts doesn't send the alarm time from that shortcut with a zero in front of the hour digit, which is needed if the hour is less than ten. So working that out is a pain. Most people will only need an alarm before ten and I could get you a piston that only works with those before ten alarms if you want while I work out a complete solution. Sorry it is taking longer than I thought. Work has ticked up quite a bit

Ah! I hadn't understood the CAM→COM bit. Done now and got the Shortcut.

The before-10am requirement is fine for now... Although I wonder if some simple regex replace would do the trick? Like replace /^(\w:)/gm with 0$1?

For YOUR_URL comment, I've added my Webcore Piston's URL... is that the correct URL?

And what are the next steps beyond here?

No the webcore piston needs an if conditional statement. The condition is a virtual one, and it is ifttt (any http request). You then name that virtual trigger and get the url at that step. I'm not great with regex not that I haven't tried. When you see the piston lmk if that can help. It's a complicated bit of changing string text to the alarm time.

  1. Do I have to use the service IFTTT? Or do you just mean any general if() statement?

  2. What specifically should be going in the piston? Would love sample code that I work off of as a basis. :pray:

No ifttt. The way you setup webcore to listen for an http request is to set a a conditional statement. I don't know how to explain this. When you click if in webcore there is a drop down menu with options like time, physical device, and virtual. You want a virtual trigger. The virtual trigger is called IFTTT but it accepts am http request from anywhere, in this case shortcuts. Once you get to that part and name the request webcore listens for for this trigger, you'll be given a url beneath the section where you name it.

OK, cool! LMK if you have updates

new shortcut with spaces in the link

https:// www.icloud .com/shortcuts/1184af4902b0420e8071eb1cce050220

webcore import code is un4n. All you should have to do is get your URL and point the piston to your morning routine

Cool, thanks!! Will take a look when I get a moment later this evening.

Imported the webcore and your updated Shortcut just dandy — thanks :smiley:

Sorry for my denseness (noob alert!), but how do I point the piston to my morning routine? (Actually, in my case, it's a Mode that I want to trigger at wake-up time.)