Smart Air Conditioning System - MyAir by Advantage Air

hi @j.apostolakis

I think one the things I battled with for a while was getting the httpget/hubaction to send the json query as part of the HTTP GET in UTF-8, but I eventually got there.

I'm in the process of developing Apps and Drivers for the MyAir system. I've progressed pretty well with an App that performs discovery, creates child Apps (and eventually the devices calling the Driver). I've got a really basic driver for the MyAir System that provides me with primary functionality of control of the unit (power on/off, fanspeed, mode, sleep/wake timers) and need to go through creating some child devices and drivers to handle each of the zones. I am going to open source it once completed.


That is great Peter. Glad someone a lot smarter than me came along! If you need a tester, i will be keen for sure. Just sing out

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Hi PeterGGG. Any luck getting this app working? Keen to have a gander at it.

Hi @j.apostolakis,

I think I have completed most of the "Basic" driver for integrating MyAir with Hubitat. This is really my first Groovy Driver for Hubitat that has most of the functionality within the MyPlace App, so it is quite possible that I could have made it a little more efficient.

I have dropped instructions in the Groovy files and the limitations I need to sort out in future releases, but all the Commands as part of treating the MyAir as a Thermostat within Hubitat operate (according to my testing over the past few months). This will allow you to perform automations using rule machine or similar mechanisms on the hubitat platform.

Either way, I had to create a Git repo for this, so hopefully my instructions are straight forward enough.

Let me know if you find any issues or have some suggestions.

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Hi Peter. Been meaning to post for a long time. Life got busy!
The minimum I've done which has been helpful is to get a notification if I have left the aircon on when i leave the home.

I've had odd behaviour with what buttons do.
I'll have to try and get the details down for you. Appreciate your efforts. It's a great first step