Slower Than Usual Support Responses

Hi Everyone

We must apologise if we are responding to support requests a little slower than usual.
With Bobby taking some personal time and a number of our guys being brought down with severe flu virus we are somewhat short staffed.

We will do our best to respond as soon as we can but please bear with us.

Normal service will be resumed as soon as possible!

(And we'll try not to spread our germs!) :slight_smile:



Thx. Appreciate the heads up.

PM me your address and I’ll send along a few bottles of hand sanitizer! Gotta keep you guys healthy.


Luckily, I'm a few thousand miles away in the UK so can keep away from all the germs :slight_smile:



I'll be back in the UK again in a few weeks,

I'll be sure to rub all my nasty US germs all over everything.... Muhahaha!

I don’t think it will help. 2019 has been rough. Already had a cold then stomach bug, and we are only 3 weeks in.

Hope everyone gets over it quickly!

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We have enough of our own thank you! :slight_smile:


This flu seems to be particularly nasty for everyone

Man Flu... You wussiez :rofl::joy::sweat_smile:

você pensa?

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Learning Portuguese are we? :sunglasses:

Não, eu morei em Espinho perto do Porto por um tempo

But my Portuguese spelling is usually bad

And I can never find the correct characters on the keyboard :slight_smile:

For English only speakers :slight_smile:

No, I lived in Espinho near Oporto (Portugal's second city - Next to Lisbon) for a while

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I guess for British standards is near for us is far away :joy::rofl::grin:

Hope you enjoyed here.
You should come visit Lisbon again the nomad expat community is quite flourisngy at the moment and the Start-up ecosystem is booming

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I haven't been to Lisboa for a while (although enjoyed my visits)
I go to Espinho because my sister lives there, it's a nice, little seaside town to visit.
(With very few English people - No tourists!)

I also worked there a few years ago installing computer controlled lighting into a nightclub and sort of stayed for a while,

Next time you over let me know with some time and we can go eat a little French (Francesinha) :joy::rofl:

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I love Francesinha :slight_smile:
But no two sauce recipes are the same - Different in the north probably

I suppose bacalhau a bras is probably one of my favorite 'comfort' foods

Agreed you are making me hungry... lol