Sinope th1300zb best driver

Good evening all. I just acquired a TH1300zb floor thermostat. HE detected it no problem. I want to be able to send outside temperature the same way I do with my other thermostat

I am using this driver as an alternative. Any other best drivers ? Thanks

This seems to be the best driver based on feedback I've read. Note; it may take hours or a day for all values to show up. I'm using the same driver.

Thanks, I’ll give it a try. Are you able to display outside temperature?

I use @samuel.c.auclair 's (available in Hubitat Package Manager) Does a fine job. Does energy metering, display outdoor temp etc... I have my thermostat display set to off until there is motion then it turns on showing floor temp and outside temp. (Outside temp is from a sensor on the porch)

Thanks. I managed to display outdoor temp. Seems there is a little bug with initial load.
Of the driver. The parameter shows display outside temp as enable while it is disable. Toggle it back off. > save > toggle it back on. > save and then it works.

I was looking to manage the display to on/off. How do you do this. Using notification..???


Just include it in the rule. Here is mine.. Come on when there is motion, goes off when there isn't.

Thanks. But….how the hell do you get access to the display on-off in the actions. :exploding_head: I looked at each single options. Grrrrr

Thanks. There is a few concept I am still discovering In my HE Journey. (Just got my HE 4weeks ago).

Was not aware how to send specifics command to a driver.

Action : “Run custom action”. Then select the device/driver supporting the actions.

An other thing learned today



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Take a look at this too. Will help avoid some gotchas. Especially with z-wave

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