Since 2.2.5, I've had to power off my hub a couple times (shutting it down once, once was an unexpected power off). When these happen, the following rest of day, and next day, Simple Rules don't seem to fire either at all, or reliably.
Example, I just redid my network yesterday, and shut down my hub (gracefully). Was down for about 2 hours. Then, after powering it back up, some automations that happen at certain times didn't fire. My coffee maker outlet didn't turn off, for example. Then this morning my lights didn't turn on at 7am, and my coffee maker didn't turn back on at 6:30am. These are both Zigbee devices (the lights and my coffee maker outlet)
Last time (after the unexpected restart) I believe a hub restart fixed it, but before doing that, I'm curious if there might be anything I should look at prior to wiping away any evidence of it's current state.
Some people experience a problem when power is lost that the Hubitat starts up faster than their network router and so Hubitat doesn't have a route to a Network Time server to set time. So it would make sense to make sure the Hubitat time is correct.
Yup. Time is good according to Hub Details and logs for stuff that's being manually triggered. I can't find any evidence of what might actually be the problem. =/
everything fired fine this morning, which was expected. didn't reboot the hub manually. super unclear why it only breaks for the day after the power off. =/
I am experiencing similar, but I am also getting Zigbee offline as well, even though my rules are using Zwave. Not sure if this is coincidence. What I do know is that my hub appears to be performing worse since 2.2.5.