Simple RM rule? (turning ecobee to fan-only when windows open for X minutes)

+1 for having it done quick in WC. While RM is growing on me, there are times where I bang my head on the desk because I know I could accomplish the same task in WC in 5 minutes. LOL

Hmmm, I'm thinking that the either the Cancel Delayed Actions or the Stop Repeating Actions is causing the issue. Try removing the Stop Repeating Actions and see what happens. I'm hoping that Cancel Delayed will cascade down to the repeat as well.

Also, you might want to change your notifications to "Log a message" while you're testing. :wink:

This is weird to me, what does this mean? This warning has been there the whole time, fyi.

Create a new post and let's try to rope Bruce in. I have a sneaking suspicion that's a bug. I've seen it too, but only when working on the rule itself. It's the out of place END-IF that makes me wonder if there's some sort of bug there.

I think the issue is that you have the repeat after what you want, it should be

repeat every 5 min
Speaking action
end repeat

see my example from above.


OMG! So right! I didn't even see that in your screen grab!!! @Jasonrwise77 that's the issue! Doh.