Simple Lighting Sunset/Sunrise

This is frustrating.

The logs show my devices fired at sunset on 5-6, but did not turn off at sunrise 5-7 and nothing tonight.

It may have been coincidence but I think I fixed mine by moving my hub location a few feet in the settings menu under location and modes. It's worth a shot to see if that will get you running. My thought was that sunrise/sunset are based on your location. Mine looked correct in the locations settings before I tried but they just didn't work.

Personally I think that is the sensible way to do things. If the update causes issues you can revert back to your last known working build.

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I'll see if that helps.

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Well, I moved it before I looked at the location events and logs and sunrise popped this morning.

Sheesh, it's all over the place. Maybe I need to backup the config and reset.

I don't know. I've only been on this platform a month (from smartthings) so I don't know enough about the quirks of the system yet. Maybe reach out to support or, delete the rule and recreate it. Maybe it's corrupt?

FYI, OP here, mine started working normally the day after I posted - running fine for ON and OFF all week. Strange.

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I know now for sure that moving your location does something to update sunset/sunrise. I restored from a backup this morning for an unrelated reason and it caused my outside lights (which come on during sunset to sunrise when a door is opened) to come on during the day. I moved my location a few feet and the problem is gone.

I tried just updating and saving the RM rule first but that had no effect.

Sunrise/Sunset is really flaky on the HE hub. I had a sunset event yesterday in event history at the correct time but no sunrise event this morning. How is that even possible? I think it should be safe to assume that if it knows when sunset is than it should know when sunrise occurs.

I have had my new HE hub up for 3 days now. My simply rule trigger based on sunset has never worked. I see no scheduled jobs and nothing show up in the logs. It just does not fire. Triggers based on an actual time do fire.


See if there is a different time zone, and try it. For me, there was many choices, and only one worked. For me there was at least these, and maybe more.


I don't know why all the different ones, but some work better than others apparently.

Also, verify your location in the settings tab, location. You might even try slightly moving your "house" and then move it back and see if that does anything.

Otherwise, I think there was another thread on here where Bruce (bravenel) was looking into this. Maybe find and add some feedback to that thread?

I've got problems also. Missed two simple job start times tonight. One was scheduled at sunset -45 minutes. The other was sunset. I just checked the schedule and one for sunset -45 shows it will start at 12:10 am tomorrow morning, The other one for sunset shows nothing in the schedule. I wonder if I need to rebuild these jobs and see what happens. Yesterday it missed the sunset -45 and the other job started on time. No log entries showed for either job tonight. Yesterday on the job that was missed, the log showed the the lights requesting turn on and in seconds the same lights being turned off.

Try this:

I had something similar with sunrise. Between midnight and sunrise tonight go into location and modes and move your location a few feet and save it. Then go into your affected rules, open them and click done. This corrected my problem and jobs scheduled correctly.

Curious, do you have a job at 12:10 am or is it a job scheduled at 12:00:10am? Also, what is the name of the handler that is requesting this job? I'm just curious if what I had happen is a "one off" or if there is some kind of underlying issue.

No I have only those four jobs. Two jobs have turn on times set for sunset or sunset -45 The other two jobs are to turn off those same lights that were turned on earlier. The Turn off jobs always work because they are for fixed time. One turn off app is set for 11:30 pm. The other turn off app is for 2:00 am. I just blew both turn on apps away and rebuilt them new. Sorry I can't give you the handler info. I'll try the location shift.

I just rebuilt both of the on apps. The one that was for sunset -45 scheduled a job tomorrow at 12:10 am.
The other app that has a start time of sunset shows no job scheduled.

So it looks like the new apps are destined for failure. The handler for the sunset -45 app is

If it fails again, tag Bruce (bravenel) as he has seen this in a different thread, and might be tracking this "bug".

I'm new here so I don't how to tag on this site.

My error on reading the scheduled job. It's set for 12:00:10 am.

I moved my location out into the street and updated. I opened both of the turn on apps and did a done with them. Rechecked and nothing changed from what I had seen. The sunset -45 still shows scheduled tomorrow at 12:00:10am . The sunset app shows no job scheduled.

Midnight is when it calculates sunrise and sunset for the next day. Leave it alone and check it tomorrow.