Simple Lighting App w/sunset offset fixed in 694 release?

I applied the firmware update and Simple Lighting app shows Version 1.0.0/0.1.8: 4 Installed; however a 'Turn on and set level' with an offset of 120 produces this log (at the appropriate time):

2018-02-12 19:25:00.118:errorNo signature of method: is applicable for argument types: (groovy.json.internal.LazyMap) values: [[timeX:Sunset, handle:doAction]] Possible solutions: wait(), any(), wait(long), any(groovy.lang.Closure), take(int), each(groovy.lang.Closure) on line null

Do I have the fixed version? I didn't try uninstalling an re-installing the app since I already have a few things programmed (I already emailed support; the auto acknowledgement suggested the forum as a resource after hours).

That doesn’t look good. I will look into it. The previous bug was fixed, but it could have been masking this one. Check back tomorrow…

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I have a rule that runs based on presence coming back and only during sunset to sunrise. It did not work last night. I looked at the rule while in my driveway and the time showed false. I created a new rule with the same settings and it updated the new rule to show the time was True but the old rule never saw the time was true even after I have it evaluate the rule.

OK, the LazyMap bug has been squashed. This will be in the next release. Sorry for the hassle factor!!


@bravenel does v698 fix the offset issues?

I believe so… Check it out.

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Unfortunately this didn’t work. None of my lights came on -90 from sunset.

Can you look at the app info page (little circle i) and take a screen shot of the scheduled jobs. Also, give me a screenshot of your app configuration for it. Do those by PM. Will get to the bottom of this.

This appears to be working for me with .698. I had a lamp turn on scheduled for sunset +95 min and it showed the job scheduled on the info page for 19:16; sure enough the log produced a debug entry at 19:16 and the lamp turned on.

After sunset is the easy case. Before sunset is trickier.

Ah ok. But pre-.698 after sunset failed as well with the error I originally posted (I forgot to have a log window open to check the pre-sunset behavior so just invented a testcase to see if it still failed post sunset; it did not)

Done. Thanks for your help.

@bravenel I also have a simple lighting rule to turn on my front floor lights at sunset and it didn’t run this evening either.

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