Show Off Your Dashboards!

Yes, I have checked that. The browser, the hubitat app, and kiosk all give me broken images. If I open the dashboard on my computer, it works fine. I have tried many combinations of settings and URLs, and I can't seem to find anything that works on tablet. I'm trying to avoid using any 3rd part dashboard (ex: sharptools) as I want to stay native, and cloud free.

Do you mean you tried opening the image directly? Not a HE dashboard, in your browser?

Btw, this might be better placed in a topic of it's own...

only have 1 lan :slight_smile: no vlans here

I would recommend trying it in hubiVue, since that dashboard app is 100% local when running on your LAN.

I'm going to start a new topic.


I have to show off my screen. I am using all HE Dashboards. I don't want 3rd party or cloud based.

This is just one of many screens I have been working on.

This one for the AC will show black when its off, the number when its on but idle,
and it will turn blue when its actually running (AC) or red for heat.

This took a lot of CSS and a few rules and extra virtual buttons.





Liking what you did there! Keep up the fine work.

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Can I see your CSS code for meteo?

question. I understand the CSS you are using for color, but what about the CSS that lines up the icon, and battery percentage on the right? this is exactly what I am looking for. May I see your CSS please?

For heach line:

1 attribute tile (double width) with a custom svg file as icon (background):

#tile-xx .tile-primary{line-height: 1; text-align: right; font-size: 3vh !important;}
#tile-xx {background-size: contain !important;}

1 text tile (square):

#tile-xx .justify-center{padding: 2px !important; justify-content: left !important;}
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Thank you!

This is my CSS for the horizontal battery tiles

.battery .tile-primary .material-icons,
.battery .tile-primary div,
.battery .tile-title {
    position: absolute;
    transform: translateY(-50%)
.battery .tile-primary .material-icons {
    font-size: 24px !important;
    bottom: 0;
    right: 40px
.battery .tile-primary div {
    font-size: 12px !important;
    bottom: 6px;
    right: 8px
.battery .tile-title {
    font-size: 12px !important;
    text-align: left;
    bottom: 6px;
    left: 8px;

But I've started using Grafana now for monitoring and Google Home for control.

Now I can get PagerDuty alerts when a battery is low.


Thank you, I'm trying my hardest not to use 3rd party right now.

That's awesome dude!

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Nothing wrong with 3rd Party. Not any heavier than built in dash and systems like Hubivue and HD+ work excellently with maker API... and both are 100% local

This looks brilliant!

would you mind sharing the yaml for these dashboards?

I agree there is nothing wrong with 3rd party. My reasons are simple, we lose internet every time there is a tropical storm here in Florida. With 3rd party, our panels would stop working.

I know our Nest, Echo, and MyQ are cloud based, so those would stop working anyways. I just trying to minimize the headache.

The beauty of most of the 3rd party dashboard is that they'll use the local Maker API, so internet access is irrelevant. You'll only have issues if your local network goes down, but that would be the case no matter what solution you come up with (excluding massively hacking the hardware on the hub to get a direct display to work).

So, I'm asking out of ignorance, doesn't HD+, ActionTiles, SmartTiles.IO, and most other ones host the code on their site?

I can only speak for HD+. No, all the code for the app is local to the device it's installed on.