Show image to the left of an input?

Is there a way to show an image to the left of an input in an app? I've tried div tags and float:left to no avail, but maybe I'm doing it wrong. And I don't see the option to add "image" to the input element like you can with a paragraph.

You can do this (example):

paragraph [image], width: 3
input "myThing", "thing", title: "Select thing", width: 9

There is a total width of 12 (for desktop). You may need to mess around with vertical spacing:

..... , style: "margin-top:25px;margin-left:50px"

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That works great for the enum and text inputs that I have tried. But for some reason it is not working with the capability.presenceSensor input. It seems as though the capability.presenceSensor input does not respond to the width parameter. Is that by design for some reason? Really would like to be able to set its width so i can display an image to the left.

Yes, it doesn't work for device pickers.
