Shelly Plug (US) and Purple Air Devices

Dear All-

I am not new to home automation, but am relatively new to Hubitat. I have a handful of Shelly (US) Plugs, and cannot for the life of me figure out what I'm doing wrong with the config.

I added them as devices (inclusive of their IP addresses) and can access those IPs directly from a browser on the same network as the Hubitat. I have the device driver loaded, and am coming up empty.

Also trying to figure out how to add Purple Air AQI Sensor support. Downloaded the driver package via Hubitat Package Manager, but, again, no love.

Reviewing doc/YT videos has not borne fruit.

Appreciate your guidance!

My goal is to "read" the Purple Air sensors and turn on an air purifier connected to a Shelly (US) Plug when the particle count gets too high.

Air Sensor is from BlueAir - which I don't believe has driver support today - hence the external plug approach.

So you created a virtual device then used the shelley driver?


I think the Purple driver in HPM uses an older API that's no longer supported, at least it used to. I wrote a driver that uses the new Purple API:

If you're using a private device the code for that hasn't really been tested, let me know if there are any problems.