I have two C7 hubs at different locations and want to keep them separate from one another and have them operate locally (do not wish to use HubConnect). I signed up for a Sharptools.io premium account so that I can create some high level separate dashboards that I can control from anywhere. It seems that adding multiple Hubitat hubs (this works with Smartthings) to Sharptools is not possible. That is when I add one hub it is fine but when I add a second hub it replaces the first hub. Sharptools told me this has to do with the way that Hubitat hands out tokens and without using HubConnect what I want to do is not possible. Does anyone have advice on this issue or a work around? The way that it works today is not very useful for my situation? Thanks!
Im in same boat, 2 hubs at different locations. Very annoying. I was fine with multiple ST hubs. Not sure why Hubitat does it this way.