Share your tips and tricks making it easier to follow discussions

I'm too old to like these Discourse Community scripts or as we old farts call them discussion forums. Since everyone is using them I don't have much choice other than to try and figure out how they work. My big issue is how they display replies both in a threaded format and then again as individual comments. Seems way too confusing.

While poking around I realized how this Summarize This Topic button works. Anyone have other tips for making sense of what you see in Discourse communities?

I don't use many of the advanced features of Discourse. The threaded replies I just ignore, because I'll come across them soon enough if I keep scrolling. That helps a little bit though if I'm looking for a specific answer in a big thread.

My forum workflow is pretty much,

  1. Go to the unread threads and catch up there on threads I follow.
  2. Go to the latest section and look at new threads.
  3. If I like a thread I will follow it so it shows up in 1
  4. If I really like a thread I will watch it so I get email notifications.

Other than that I subscribe to the rss feed so I can easily see the newest threads in my RSS feed reader. That is how I found this one.


What are you using for an RSS feed reader?

I use inoreader. I'm a power RSS user so I pay to support them as they are great. I find if a forum doesn't have an RSS feed I don't even bother visiting it. I don't have time to visit every website I follow so I make the information come to me.