Setting Thermostat Scheduler to current scheduled temp with RM

I would like to disable my heating schedule when leaving the house and created a "Furnace Disabled" switch that is monitored by the Thermostat Scheduler so that when it is set to ON, the thermostat is turned OFF, as expected when the restriction is satisfied. Later in the day when I return, I would like to turn on the furnace by deselecting the "Furnace Disabled" switch and allowing Thermostat Scheduler to reactivate the heating schedule. I find that this does happen, but the requested temperature does not change until the next schedule period.

So, I created a RM rule that when the "Furnace Disables" switch returns to OFF, the rule triggers and selects the "Activate Scheduled Setpoints" action which I hoped would look into the periods table and pick the current scheduled temperature as the temperature to send to the thermostat for the heading setpoint. I would like this action to replicate what I see when I select the "Set Scheduled Temperatures" followed by "Update" in the Thermostat Scheduler app.

I must be missing something in that the rule does nothing about picking and setting the temperature as desired. Am I using the wrong action in my RM rule?

Are you changing mode when you leave? Changing it back should restore the temperature setting.

No, I only change the state of the switch that is included as a restriction. So, when the switch is ON, it becomes a restriction and changes the state of the thermostat to OFF. When I set the switch back to OFF to end the restriction, it changes the state of the thermostat back to Heat, but doesn't reset the temperature to the temp desired for this particular time period.

I guess that I am not sure what you mean by mode if not that of the thermostat. I do not set to Away mode because I am not away from the house, just don't want the heat on. Make sense?

In mode manager there is an option for a switch to “return from away”. Perhaps you could set away for a second and then trip the switch to make it pick the correct mode and then that would restore your thermostat? Just brain storming…

Just found another thread where a similar issue arose and @bravenel's suggestion was to delete the "Thermostat Scheduler for Thermostat : Activate Scheduled Setpoints" action and re-create. It seemed to work minutes ago after a period transition. Will check again in the morning.

Don't quite understand why re-entering the "Activate Scheduled Setpoints" action solved the problem (as @bravenel suggested), but it did. Temp activated to temp settings in current period, as desired.

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