Set Time Variable

How to set a time in a Time Variable?
Below there is someting wrong in my opinion.

If is possible can i set the surise time value?

Not sure exactly what you want. However it won't work if you have an action AT sunrise.

The "trigger" event(s) are exactly like it sounds. When ANY trigger occurs the remainder of the rule will be run.

Now the Actions with conditions rule will be run.
You can create a rule like: DimmerHall set to 50% and it will do just that.

However if you want to add an additional condition you will have to:

  1. select conditional action then select IF (some condition is true) then do this action.
  2. the "some condition is true" could be "is Bill home" Then
    DimmerHall set to 50%

If you creating a Trigger(s) use at certain time (for a trigger)

In Actions you will need to add:

  • conditional action
  • If condition then....
  • time of day (this will require additional option i.e between two times.

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just need to put the time sunrise value in a variable

Not sure what you are trying to do with sunrise? I can't think of a situation you would (or could) use "sunset" as a variable.

Perhaps if you described your automation goal.

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don't think about sunrise
i try to set a time variabel but i can't

I misunderstood sorry.

I just set (or could have) set a time variable My Variable name is "ralph"

Did you set the type of variable "Time01" is? It would be back before trigger.

What firmware version are you using?


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Your variable is Local or Global?

There is a global named GlobalRalph that I can set to a new time in a rule. I haven't tried to set GlobalRalph to another Global variable in the actions. Is this what you are trying to do?

i can't :disappointed:

Then you should check to see if your Hubitat firmware is the latest. If it is you will need to tag one of the support folks.

Yes i update it 2 days ago

Me and John doing the same thing
Windows are different

Have you tried doing this in a new rule? Maybe something got "corrupted" in the existing one that you're working on. (If you can figure out how to reproduce the behavior, staff can probably fix it; if not, you might have to chalk it up to a goblin this one time.)


it's alrady in English

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the same in a new rule
nothing change


I wrote an email to support, linking to this topic.

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