Set temperature Yeelight

I seem to only be able to set color for Yeelights but wanted to make sure I’m not missing anything. Can I set temperature instead?

We noticed the temperature setting is much brighter where as using color to resemble a soft white temp is not as bright.

If Yeelight doesn’t allow this, does Phillips Hue or another RGB light offer this

My yeelight works with temperature fine.
Is anything happening when you try to change it?

When I created a Rule that sets temperature and level, and ran that rule, nothing happened. When I removed that action and instead set color and level, it worked.

Considering I use the color bulbs to trigger a color based on HSM status, I'd like to reset this bulb back to the default temperature, but using the built in warm white and soft white colors are too blue for my liking besides just being colors and thus are not as bright when setting temp - go figure.

@at9 How are you setting temp? Is there are a better way of doing what I'm doing above.

Try setting the temperature level directly e.g. 3000k and see if that fixes your issue.

Could you explain what you mean. Through the Yeelight app? Maybe I’m missing something.

I guess that’s what I was doing. I was trying to choose set temperature band level but didn’t work.

On the device page in HE you should be able to set the temp and see if it will let you do that.

Ah, good idea.

Checking the device page, I don't have the option to set temp, only color. Explains a lot there - didn't think about that.

Is that normal for Yeelights?

If you bulb actually supports temperature try changing the driver to the yeelight RGBW.


Life savor. A simple driver change, I never would have known.

I did purchase some Segland bulbs to compare since I wasn't sure if this was able to be corrected.

So my last question. If i set the bulb to a color to indicate HSM status and shut off after, whats the best way to reset the bulb setting to temperature so when it's turned back on it's the correct temp? I wrote an RM rule to do a auto turn on based on time and set the temp, but what about if manually turned one?

You could have a rule triggered by the light changing due to HSM status and use a wait for event of the light turning on so next time it will turn on with the colour and then straightaway change back to the temperature.

Here is a rule I already had setup. It would change purple to indicate Status, and then turns off. I originally had it switch back to temperature before turning off, but since one of these are in our bedroom, I was trying to avoid a bright light turning on (reseting temperature and level) before turning off in case someone was sleeping. Ideally I could reset back to temperature after it turns off, but I'm not sure thats possible.

@at9 Was this sort of what you were thinking?

I must be a dummy to this. I tried add a set temperature to the RM, but all it did was change the intensity of my purple color. It's like if I set color, I'm not succsefully getting it back to temperature values....

I was thinking this.
I needed the delay in between the actions as there is a 1 second delay on the sate of my yeelight updating and you can't add a delay to a wait.

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Wait for events is a new action i didn't know about. interesting idea.

Weird thing is my yeelight wouldn't reset properly from set color to set temp. The temperature just changed the intensity of the color.

I happen to have orderd some Sengled bulbs this weekend and put them in tonight. They functioned as expected.

This can happen if the temperature is already the level you are setting as it doesn't change if you switch to colour mode.

I don't have any sengled lights but I do seem to recall that they support prestaging so you should be able to change the light without turning it on.

Between the driver and the wait action, it fit the need. yeelight actually has a smoother transition than the sengled, just more pleasing and settle. Thanks @at9 for your help. A big breakthrough on something that helps alot.

The only thing I like is the Sengled as least function without the need of an app so feel more native and local.

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