Set Level ignores ramp rate

So I still don't know the version(s) of webCoRE a couple of you are running.

Please HPM repair, and tell me your webCoRE version.

If a user install, please HPM repair, I have put a new fix in place for the setLevel

Thanks. I will give that a try as soon as I get back on the local network tonight.

I will also confirm the version via the app just in case.

That appears to have worked for me. It defaults to the driver setting, but also uses an explicit value if it has been set. I added a zero to one of my switch cases in my piston above and they all worked as expected. :+1:

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║║Executed device command [Hallway Dimmer].setLevel(25) (25ms)

Confirming that everything looks good with v0.3.114.20230222_HE - March 2, 2023

Thanks for all of your help @nh.schottfam and the sanity check @Equis. I was all sorts of confused for a while.

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