Set defult bulb brightness for part of a day without turning it on


I would like to set my bulbs to be 50% of brightness and, 3200K temp. from 11 pm to 6 am, but I don't want to turn them on (but turning on and off I mean brightness, not cutting of power). I just want to make it the default value for this period of time, so during the night when I turn them on they will be 50% of brightness and during the day 100%.

I tried to do it with rule machine, but it either turned them on, or I could add condition to do it only if there are already on, but them If there were of this rule obviously would not work.

The second approach I found on the forum was to use "hub variables", so I could set variables in the rule machine and those variables would represent brightness even if bulbs are off and bulbs would somehow use those values for brightness, but I don't know how to connect variables to device level.

I have: Linkind 2-pak Smart Gu10 LED 5 W (2700 k-6500 K). Their type is "Advanced Zigbee CT Bulb"

Do you know if these bulbs support pre-staging? Also, tagging @mike.maxwell.

I don't know. I am new to home automation. Those are my first bulbs.

To be precise it is this product
It is Polish, but maybe it will display for you in eng.

Can I check that in hubitat or do I have to go to device documentation?

I tried to find that information, but failed. If a bulb/dimmer doesn't support pre-staging, then changing the color or color temperature will also turn it on.

Try doing this:

  1. Change the driver from "Advanced Zigbee CT Bulb" to "Generic Zigbee CT Bulb (dev)", and click "Save".
  2. Click "Configure".
  3. Select the option "Enable color pre-staging", and click "Save Preferences".

Now, when the bulb is off, try setting the color temperature, and see if the bulb turns on.


I did that.
When I set color or level, bulb doesn't turn on, but it doesn't change current states, so when I turn it on it still turns on with previous brightness and level.

That means the bulb doesn't support pre-staging.

So is there some workaround to do it?
If not, can you recommend some GU10, and E27 that do support it but are not expensive like hue?

I guess the workaround would be to turn them on, set values and then turn them off, if there weren't turn on before?

Also how I would setup this automation if prestaging would work?

Just a thought, how are the bulbs being turned on and off? Basically wondering if you are cutting power to them or are they always powered? Sounds like they are possibly always powered.

In that case, you could create an automation that instead of just turning them on, it would adjust based on the time of day. You might have to create a virtual switch if they are only being controlled by voice currently. When the switch turns on, run a rule that sets the level/color based on the time of day.

It might be a lot of rules but it should work if you don't want to replace the bulbs.

Another solution also, is to have rules that set the dim/color immediately after they turn on. But a lot of people find that annoying.