When setting up a rule to change a bulb color it seems to also require setting a brightness level. If I leave the brightness field blank, then the bulb goes to full brightness on color change. I have various situations where I want to change the color but keep the same brightness the bulb is currently at. How do I do this?
For example, when setting a color temperature I am not required to set a brightness as well and this works perfectly. This is what I need with setting different colors.
Sorry, didn't read you post carefully enough I guess.
I created a test rule in RM and the bulb does in fact go to 100% as you described. @bravenel, is this by design?
Yes, it's always been this way. Not saying it's right, just that the app has always worked that way for an omitted level.
@xamindar Is the case that you don't know the level, and only want to set hue and saturation? You could do this by setting up Custom Commands for setting hue and saturation. These would invoke those low level driver commands, and leave level alone.
To me this doesn't make sense as we already have the "Set These Dimmers" option in the same area that could be used to perform the brightness level action. Why force it with color set as well?
My use case has a Wallmote Quad set up as a remote for a lifx bulb. Buttons 1 and 3 pushed are on and off, buttons 2 and 4 pushed are increase and decrease brightness by 10. Buttons 1,2,3, or 4 held are to set various colors. If I didn't need to set the brightness on color change it would be more useful to just leave whatever brightness it was at when I change the color by holding a button.
As it is now, I just set the color with brightness 10 and have to re-adjust to the level I want when it is changed.
How would I go about just setting hue and saturation through rule machine?
Valid point. I think this should be changed and if level is not specified, it should only set hue and saturation.
In the interim, you can create Rule Machine Custom Commands for hue and saturation. You only need to set them up once, and then those commands will become available for all bulbs in all rules.
Thank you, Got some set up and it works perfectly now.
Last question though. I went through and created three custom commands for what I thought would be three different colors. So each of these commands consisted of setting both a hue and a saturation level. I even see just the three under the rules on the main apps page.
But, when I am adding them to a trigger, the custom rules section has them all split up so that I see six separate commands (the three hue levels and the three saturation levels). I then have to set one command for hue, and then another separate for saturation.
Why does it split them up when I had created them to be combined? I might as well go back in and just separate them as now I have duplicates of some levels.
I think you are confusing the establishment of multiple commands within a single "Custom Command" app, with separate Custom Command apps. Each command is a stand alone command, they are not "combined" in any way, other than that many can be defined in one instance of Custom Command. So, to set both Hue and Saturation, you would have to run each command.
The problem that led you to this has been fixed, and will be in the next release. The fix removes the behavior of setting level to 100 if level is not specified, and instead just leaves level as is.
Thanks for that change. I came across this old post today while trying to figure out how to issue a command to change colors for several bulbs based on time of day without changing their current level. Leaving level blank does indeed work.