Set brightness based on lux or time?

What's the cleanest way of having the brightness of a light associated with the Lux of the room or maybe the time?

E.g. it's very dark (1am) so don't have the light as bright as you might want at 9pm when going to bed

I set up a hue hulb to be brighter at 9pm than after 10:30pm with two separate time based rules but it seems that it could be done within one cleaner rule perhaps?

Any tips/examples on a nice way to do this?

Do you have a LUX sensor? Or do you want to go by external lux through a weather integration?

I do have a Lux sensor in a motion sensor

You can use Lux as a condition of a rule just like you can temp or humidity. However, think about your conditions. If you are using a lux sensor inside the room, it is going to change when you turn lights on. So, it is going to change and if used as a condition will cause the rule to fire if it goes over whatever cutoff you establish. So, you might want to only use those in triggered rules instead of regular rules. Also, is there any real difference in Lux between 9:30 and 10:30 pm? Or between 10pm and 2am? You could most likely do what you want to do with time based rules using sunrise and sunset.