Sensor Groups+ [Resurrected]

What do you mean by that?

Check my screenshots from the device page showing the current states. First one does not have Temperature and the 2nd one does. Why is that state going away and then coming back?

Try doing an HPM Repair or reimport the driver from

Looks like you're missing the Temperature Sensor capability in the driver.

Is this the right section of code?


After HPM repair:

Scroll up from there, looking for the capabilities (temperature is defined via the Temperature Sensor capability - the capability creates the attribute automatically).

So far so good. That looks to have fixed it. I am pretty sure I have always used the HPM version of this app and changed it to yours soon after you took it over so I am not sure how that would have been missing. THANKS for your help

Looks like there was dev branch merge issue that wasn't caught - I fixed it and pushed up the resultant code.


@thebearmay, I was using this app to create a group humidity device recently. The device of course has attributes like AvgHumidity, MaxHumidity, and MinHumidity, all of which work and make sense. However, it doesn't appear that RM sees these attributes as humidity sensors which means to manipulate them in condition expressions can require a few extra hoops to jump through. Not a big deal, but it made me wish that the group devices were seen by RM as the capability that it is.

Is this a straightforward thing to address? I assume the issue applies to a lot more than just humidity sensors.

The Relative Humidity Measurement capability only has one attribute defined:


  • humidity - NUMBER, unit:%rh

RM uses the capability definition to determine what attributes are "normal" and required of a device; all other attributes are moved to the "custom attribute" category.

Maybe I’m not understanding your reply (probably the case), but here’s an example of an obstacle. I wanted to trigger a RM5 rule off of a sensor group’s humidity level, either its max or average, if it exceeded my home’s overall humidity in the main area, essentially looking for a localized pocket of higher humidity.

I can’t write the trigger using a humidity attribute because RM doesn’t see this device as humidity. And if I use a custom device, then my only option is to use a variable rather than a device attribute as the comparator. But that means I have to have a separate hub variable constantly being updated when the underlying device attribute changes, rather than just having a humidity trigger.

It’s eminently doable — just extra hoops. Would seem logical to me that humidity metrics should be humidity attributes, and temp metrics should be temp attributes, and so on.

Sorry if I’m missing your point …

Not as clear as I should have been, looks like I was rushed. What I intended to say is that the device created sholud be recognized as a humidity sensor by RM, but RM doesn’t look outside the defined attributes for trigger values; i.e. Max, Min, amd Avg aren’t seen by RM it’s only going to see the attribute defined in the capability, but it’s not something that SG can change.

The approach that might work, could be to trigger on a humidty change and then do something based on the average vs the current.

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Yeah, geez.... stop trying to deliver solutions so quic.... Hmmm.... actually.... So when will you have a fix..... :wink: (Not that I need one... Just messing.... ).

Just looked at the Humidity code and it doesn’t seem to set the humidity attribute to the average (unlike the way the temperature and other SG devics do). My apologies, that will be a quick fix.

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Not required for me... Was just joking around on a Saturday night... but glad to see you delivering a solution so quickly.... :slight_smile:

Change is up now.


Feels like the humidity is dropping already.... :wink:

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