I just do some simple things with my Sensibo units. We live in a hot country (hot all the time) so when we come home the AC gets switched in if the temp indoors is above a threshold and depending on the temperature it gets switched on high or low fan. If high then I use a wait command to send the fan to low once the temp has cooled to a desired amount. When we go to bed I use a long press on a button downstairs to turn all the AC's and lights off etc downstairs and switch the AC on in the bedroom. When we left Ave the house everything gets turned off including rhe AC's. The Sensibo do put a load on the hub because of all the Cloud going on, but they work very well and fast most of the time too. Expensive, but I'm happy with them. I use the original app posted months ago in this thread...
@Angus_m do you use their " climate react" and does that integrate with hubitat? Maybe as a custom command? That seems like it'll try and keep the room temp according to their sensor... Not a bad idea.. Although I suspect it'll set the ac unit at a high temp then continually adjust the temp.. So my splits would keep beeping all the time to maintain temperature.. But maybe I could disable the beepers on the ac unit.
I guess that can be implemented in rule machine as well. If room temp is more than 2 degrees below target then set remote command to a few degrees above.. But that'd get quite complex. Almost like a pid control system. So if sensibo climate react worked in hubitat that may be a sales point on its own fore to look at switching... At least for 2 ac units anyway.
I don't use Climate React because my AC units allow me to set a temperature on them directly using HE and then they will maintain that, more or less themselves, in the Auto mode so there is no need to use Sensibo or HE to do anything much with temperature manipulation. I do have an errant old Mitsubishi AC unit in the bedroom that wouldn't react to temp very well, so I set up a complicate routine to juggle the device from cool to fan depending on the temperature but it was really unecessary in the end so I stopped using it. I can probably fetch out the rule if I still have it, and post it when I get home.
All mine have a digital thermostat (no antique style ac) but room temp can be a few degrees different in large rooms with a split system. At the moment I set the split a degree ir two above to achieve the right temp.
Seems that climate react is only a simple function anyway. If above a certain temp send a certain ir command. If below another value then send a different ir command. So nothing special it seems. That is easily achieved in rule machine.
I've written an email to Sensibo to ask will they guarantee it'll fully work with my new Hitachi system (mainly the off command as for some reason broadlink struggles with off only). If it dies I'll buy a single unit... With hesitation as this unit is unusual compared to my other systems. Otherwise I'll stick with broadlink and the community hvac app and drivers here.
Well I'm trying to find out full compatibility with my ac. My model comes back and says it's compatible in their Web site... But refers to the wrong model number on query. Doesn't give me great confidence when the broadlink can learn the other codes but not the off command for the ac of interest. Maybe same for sensibo.. And at the price tag they are asking for I want some reasonable confidence.
Their support is slow and aren't answering my questions properly. They say their engineers are active here, but I don't see anyone from sensibo. I'll stay clear of this for now I think... Unless they answer my questions with confidence or I grab a special. I was hoping sensibo was going to give me confidence and perhaps start to switch over.
The app is broken for me - error on line 548 @VeloWulf - any ideas please?
I implement rules in RM that are superior to Climate React. The possibility of integration is there (the API supports it) but at this point in time it isn't in the drvier
LIne 548 in the app is all about adding devices in HE. Without any error messages that is super difficult to offer up any theories
Thank you - that's all the error message says "Error on line 548" My Sensibo units appear in the HE app once the API key is added, but no devices are created and just that message. No sweat, I have an easy workaround with IFTTT.
Hey Angus,
It looks like you are using rules to set up how the AC unit works with Sensibo and HE.
Can you provide some examples? This seems like the best option for scheduling cooling.
Also, do you (or anyone) know how to get the Sensibo device to appear as HVAC, or AC in the dashboards? Not very useful just as a switch.
Yes, I’m using it a lot. It works well. You have full control over the AC unit using Sensibo integration. Did you load the integration yet? You will see all the parameters of the AC that you can control ranging from switch (eg. on and off) through to temp, fan speed, mode (eg. cool, dry, fan etc), even the blade position if you device has those for directing the air flow. You can also access the temperature sensor of your AC to check for the temp in the room.
Suggest load the integration and try it. It’s not that hard to set up.
For dashboard, yes you can use thermostat device to show the various parameters such as mode, fan, temperature etc and allow direct access to control the AC from your standard HE dashboard.
I never thought to use thermostat.
Yes, I loaded the integration, and it works well, but just as an on/off.
Will try the thermostat option.
Okay. Added thermostat icon. Not giving me many options.
Not sure what I am doing wrong. (Tile larger than usual)
Any suggestions?
I have the same as @curibear? I have try this before without any luck.
Thanks for the reply.
Yeah, I do not know what you have done differently to get that.
I have no controls for the temperature, and mode states keep coming back as unknown.
You’ve added the device to the dashboard in Apps, right?
Correct. I just get no controls in the dashboard app.