Sensibo Integration help with errors (@velowulf's version)

Just installed @VeloWulf's integration, however when the child device is created I get the following error:

org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.metaclass.MissingMethodExceptionNoStack: No signature of method: is applicable for argument types: () values: Possible solutions: wait(), any(), wait(long), main(java.lang.String), main(java.util.List), main([Ljava.lang.String;) (method save)

The app itself throws no errors but the device itself doesn't display any data nor is able to control the air con.

Any ideas?

Might be a carryover from a SmartThings port. Line 555 of the app calls save() on the child device, but no such method exists on Hubitat or is defined in the driver. Commenting it out or removing may help. Letting the developer know, if they are still active on the forums, may also be helpful. Often develpprs prefer you do this in the topic they normally create to discuss with their app or driver.

Thanks. I'd post here but it's been closed for some time unfortunately.

The suggestion got rid of the error but I'm still not getting communication from app to the device.

If I try turning on the aircon the logs for the device show :

dev:20792024-01-09 12:29:37.018 PMtraceDaikin Pod: refresh() ended

dev:20792024-01-09 12:29:37.015 PMdebugDaikin Pod: parsing Event data null

dev:20792024-01-09 12:29:37.012 PMdebugDaikin Pod: parsing data null

dev:20792024-01-09 12:29:33.035 PMtraceDaikin Pod: Executing 'poll' using parent SmartApp

dev:20792024-01-09 12:29:33.033 PMtraceDaikin Pod: refresh() called

dev:20792024-01-09 12:24:37.100 PMdebugDaikin Pod: parsing Event data null

dev:20792024-01-09 12:24:37.097 PMdebugDaikin Pod: parsing data null

dev:20792024-01-09 12:23:14.320 PMerrorjava.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot get property 'value' on null object on line 1126 (method on)

dev:20792024-01-09 12:22:59.024 PMerrorjava.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot get property 'value' on null object on line 1126 (method on)

dev:20792024-01-09 12:21:51.236 PMerrorjava.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot get property 'value' on null object on line 1126 (method on)

This must be related to one of the HE updates at some point breaking the app as it worked for others a couple of years ago. Hopfully @VeloWulf sees this at some point :crossed_fingers:

Hi @rocketwiz , first thing I will ask you to do is to set the logging level to DEBUG in the app and see what is happening at or around the error(s). Post anything useful and I will take a look.

@bertabcd1234 you are right about this being a SmartThings port - it was forked from a port that somebody else did and I did some basic tidying. It is due a makeover: I am not happy with how the app / driver relationship is structured and there are a whole heap of improvements to the code that can be done.

EDIT: I just noticed that you already have debug set on and you aren't getting anything back from your api calls. Odd one. Can you remove the app in its entirety and restart from scratch, making sure that your API key is correct?

Thanks for the reply.

Just did that again and now it works (other than the single error msg below) :thinking:. It definitely didn't work the last 2 times I tried it. The current states column in the device is now fully populated whereas it was blank before. Previously the app was attempting to poll the device but failed. The only difference is that the aircon was turned on when doing the reinstall (it was off in the previous attempts), not that it should make a difference.

Here is the app install log. (changed the id to xxxxx)

pp:21582024-01-09 05:40:02.459 PMdebug[data:[temperature:26.4, humidity:64, targetTemperature:24, fanLevel:auto, currentmode:cool, on:on, switch:on, temperatureUnit:C, voltage:3000, swing:stopped, battery:100, powerSource:mains, productModel:skyv2, firmwareVersion:SKY30046, Climate:notdefined, Error:Success]]

app:21582024-01-09 05:40:02.455 PMdebugFound Child Device.

app:21582024-01-09 05:40:02.453 PMdebugDNI = xxxxx

app:21582024-01-09 05:40:02.449 PMdebugGenerating AppDebug Event: [name:appdebug, value:pollChildren, descriptionText:updated [data:[temperature:26.4, humidity:64, targetTemperature:24, fanLevel:auto, currentmode:cool, on:on, switch:on, temperatureUnit:C, voltage:3000, swing:stopped, battery:100, powerSource:mains, productModel:skyv2, firmwareVersion:SKY30046, Climate:notdefined, Error:Success]]]

app:21582024-01-09 05:40:02.444 PMdebugupdated 1 stats: [data:[temperature:26.4, humidity:64, targetTemperature:24, fanLevel:auto, currentmode:cool, on:on, switch:on, temperatureUnit:C, voltage:3000, swing:stopped, battery:100, powerSource:mains, productModel:skyv2, firmwareVersion:SKY30046, Climate:notdefined, Error:Success]]

app:21582024-01-09 05:40:02.436 PMdebugGenerating AppDebug Event: [name:appdebug, value:pollChildren, descriptionText:Event Data = [temperature:26.4, humidity:64, targetTemperature:24, fanLevel:auto, currentmode:cool, on:on, switch:on, temperatureUnit:C, voltage:3000, swing:stopped, battery:100, powerSource:mains, productModel:skyv2, firmwareVersion:SKY30046, Climate:notdefined, Error:Success]]

app:21582024-01-09 05:40:02.431 PMdebugupdating dni xxxxx

app:21582024-01-09 05:40:02.425 PMdebugReturning Climate React (not configured)

app:21582024-01-09 05:40:01.103 PMdebugOn: on targetTemp: 24 fanLevel: auto swing: stopped

app:21582024-01-09 05:40:01.101 PMdebugswing Mode :stopped

app:21582024-01-09 05:40:01.098 PMdebugproduct Model : skyv2

app:21582024-01-09 05:40:01.096 PMdebugPodUID : xxxxx: [timestamp:[time:2024-01-09T06:39:56.323899Z, secondsAgo:0], on:true, mode:cool, targetTemperature:24, temperatureUnit:C, fanLevel:auto, swing:stopped, horizontalSwing:rangeFull]

app:21582024-01-09 05:39:59.681 PMdebugDEBUG DATA RESULT[[time:[time:2024-01-09T06:38:30.591331Z, secondsAgo:84], temperature:26.4, humidity:63.5, feelsLike:26.4, rssi:-70]]

app:21582024-01-09 05:39:58.346 PMdebugpolling xxxxx

app:21582024-01-09 05:39:58.341 PMdebug[Daikin Pod]

app:21582024-01-09 05:39:58.080 PMdebugPod : Daikin - Hub : Home C7 Hub - Type : SensiboPod - Namespace : velowulf

app:21582024-01-09 05:39:58.074 PMdebugSensibo Pods: xxxxx:Daikin]

app:21582024-01-09 05:39:56.643 PMdebugInitialising xxxxx

Here's the error from the device log

dev:20822024-01-09 05:39:58.330 PMerrororg.codehaus.groovy.runtime.metaclass.MissingMethodExceptionNoStack: No signature of method: is applicable for argument types: () values: Possible solutions: wait(), any(), wait(long), main(java.lang.String), main(java.util.List), main([Ljava.lang.String;) (method save)

Replying to get updates on this.
I just installed the version from HPM and this error still exists. I modified according to the old thread to resolve it.

Also those errors still persist, but commenting out line 555 resolved the issue.

I got this one too, but it's in the SensiboPod driver and don't know how to fix :confused: