Sengled Hub useful?

I have 13 (or will as soon as the other 2 arrive Friday) Sengled RGB bulbs. While ordering the last 2 today from Amazon, I saved a couple of dollars by ordering the 2 Pack Color Kit which also includes the SengLED hub. Other than updating the firmware in the bulbs (which won't happen unless I run into unforeseen issues) the only reasons I can think of for using the hub is to potentially offload some of the processing from Hubitat and use it as a Zigbee repeater.

Would it be worth the effort? Or is it a bad idea to use the Sengled hub complicating my rather simple setup?


This actually won't work: the Sengled Hub has (to my knowledge) no API and (definitely) no Hubitat integration, so unless you want to use awkward workarounds like IFTTT, they'd be totally separate. You also can't use it as a Zigbee repeater because it wants to be a "coordinator" (hub), not a "router" (repeater), so it can only create its own network, not join or repeat for another.

I'd probably sell the hubs on eBay or your marketplace of choice, maybe keeping one around in case you ever need to do a firmware update (but I'm with you on everything else: I wouldn't update unless there's a reason).

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Thanks for the info. The hub will likely go into my (overpacked) storage room for now in the unlikely event I need to update the firmware.


:point_up_2: same here! :wink:

Just seeing this. I am considering the hub to update the firmware in my SengLED candelabra bulbs, but then I may not. I use them on my Hue hub, and they changed their bulb from support Hue to not compatible with hue hub.. so I am on the fence about the SengLED hub, as I fear if I do update the firmware, I may lost hue integration support.