Still no word from Sengled, but every bulb I have recently put on Hubitat for sengled shows in the getchildandroute table. I thought 2 of the 6 were fine, but just this morning displayed in the table
@bobbyD I've had a brief message from Sengled, who said their bulbs have no changed and shouldn't be repeating. The interesting thing is a took an existing Sengled bulb not displayed in the getchildandroute table took it out of my network and added it back in and it's started showing in the table now?
Seems every sengled bulb I put on the network as new shows up in the getchildandroute
As below both outside light and porch light a bulbs that didn't previously show up in the table till I re-added them into the ZigBee network
Repeater (Rm Pro), 16D3], LQI:125, age:4, inCost:7, outCost:0
[Repeater (Kitchen Kettle), 33ED], LQI:29, age:7, inCost:7, outCost:0
[Outside Light, 8DF6], LQI:0, age:7, inCost:7, outCost:0
[Repeater (Porch), 8F18], LQI:54, age:3, inCost:7, outCost:0
[Porch Light, 9AFD], LQI:11, age:5, inCost:7, outCost:7
[Kitchen Light 2, A694], LQI:251, age:3, inCost:3, outCost:7
[Kitchen Light 3, A81D], LQI:255, age:3, inCost:1, outCost:7
[Repeater (Master Bedroom), B983], LQI:210, age:3, inCost:5, outCost:7
[Kitchen Light 1, F6C6], LQI:255, age:3, inCost:1, outCost:7
[Repeater (Hive), F9F2], LQI:254, age:3, inCost:1, outCost:7
[Pantry Switch, FCF4], LQI:255, age:4, inCost:1, outCost:5
Route Table Entry
status:Active, age:64, routeRecordState:0, concentratorType:None, [Kitchen Door Sensor, C8A7] via [Kitchen Light 3, A81D]
status:Active, age:64, routeRecordState:0, concentratorType:None, [Aqara, 507A] via [Kitchen Light 3, A81D]
status:Active, age:64, routeRecordState:0, concentratorType:None, [Living Room Door Sensor, AB07] via [Pantry Switch, FCF4]
status:Active, age:64, routeRecordState:0, concentratorType:None, [DoorBell Button, 39B8] via [Pantry Switch, FCF4]
status:Active, age:64, routeRecordState:0, concentratorType:None, [Kitchen Light 3, A81D] via [Kitchen Light 3, A81D]
status:Active, age:64, routeRecordState:0, concentratorType:None, [Repeater (Master Bedroom), B983] via [Repeater (Master Bedroom), B983]
status:Active, age:64, routeRecordState:0, concentratorType:None, [Master Bedroom Button, 4017] via [Kitchen Light 1, F6C6]
status:Active, age:64, routeRecordState:0, concentratorType:None, [Front Door Motion Sensor, 2467] via [Pantry Switch, FCF4]
status:Active, age:64, routeRecordState:0, concentratorType:None, [Kitchen Light 2, A694] via [Kitchen Light 2, A694]
status:Active, age:64, routeRecordState:0, concentratorType:None, [Study Motion Sensor, 3A44] via [Kitchen Light 3, A81D]
status:Active, age:64, routeRecordState:0, concentratorType:None, [Bathroom Motion Sensor, 950C] via [Kitchen Light 2, A694]
status:Active, age:64, routeRecordState:0, concentratorType:None, [Kitchen Light 1, F6C6] via [Kitchen Light 1, F6C6]
status:Active, age:64, routeRecordState:0, concentratorType:None, [Living Room Lamp 2, AEF4] via [Kitchen Light 3, A81D]
status:Active, age:64, routeRecordState:0, concentratorType:None, [Living Room Lamp 1, 19F0] via [Pantry Switch, FCF4]