Sengled Element Classic - Flash capable?

Wondering if there is a custom driver to allow Sengled Element Classic lights to flash with HSM?

Apparently the standard driver does not have the capability, is that a driver or HW issue?

My Sengled Element Classic is MN # E11-G13 as listed on the bulb itself.

Try the advanced Zigbee bulb built in driver. It supports"flash"

Tried it, it will partially work with the "advanced Zigbee bulb" driver, meaning I can turn it on/off/flash, but cannot dim.

Hmmm...did you hit configure? I have three different models of sendled bulbs and it works ok for me......

I just double checked and I do have a few of the E11-G13's they dim fine with a pico and from the driver page.

Tried it again, I have 2 bulbs, set one to "advanced Zigbee bulb", hit configure, confirmed I could turn it off/on from device page "commands" section, but setting levels did not work either on that page or from the dashboard.

Wonder if it's because both bulbs are part of a group with group messaging enabled?


Just changed four Sengled E11-G13 to the Advanced Zigbee Bulb driver, did the Configure as per @gassgs, saved preferences just incase, tested everything, and all working great. Changed HSM light alerts to flash the bulbs :sunglasses:

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Very strange, I tried it again today, blew away the group, the devices and re-added them as the advanced zigbee bulb driver.

Everything worked except dimming.