Looking for setting combinations to make a Sengled Element Color Plus bulbs turn pink. I am sure by using various combinations of the settings it can be done since the say it can produce 16 million colors they just neglect to give you a hint on how the various settings can vary the output and their support does not help much. Any suggestions would be appreciated
On Hubitat you'll normally use HSV/HSB as the color model. You'll probably have better luck Googling this color model compared to anything I can explain here, but the main thing to know is that Hubitat's hue model (the "H" in "HSV") goes 0-100 by default, not 0-360 like you'll normally find. Saturation is also 0-100, as is brightness/value (which is the level
attribute on Hubitat, but this is not to be confused with the different HSL color model).
In this model, hue is a circle, with the numbers being 0-100% around this circle. Both extemes (0 and 100) are red; the rest fills in in rainbow order: red, orange, green, etc. If you want a "true" color, saturations near or close to 100 are probably what you want (0 is theoretically white, and you'll get more pastel the lower you go).
For pink, you'll want something close to 100 but slightly less for most bulbs. You may also need to turn the saturation down a bit to get more of a pink than a magenta, but I'd probably still start close to 100. You can play around with the "Set Hue" and "Set Saturation" commands on the device page to find values close to what you want, or use the "Set Color" command to set all at once (plus level, which shouldn't affect the color itself much, just the brightness).
Thanks, helps to make some sense of it
If it helps, hue=82, saturation=50, level=75 gives me a satisfying pink.