Sending vs receiving messages from Z-wave devices

I'm a Z-wave newbie, so if it seems like I'm doing something dumb, I probably am. I have a C7 hub, several Z-wave relay switches, a motion sensor, and a thermostat. I can turn on and off the relay switches and receive motion alerts on the hubitat web-app. On the thermostat, I can also receive messages when device variables change like humidity, setpoints, modes, etc. However, I am unable to send any commands to the thermostat (thermostat is 2GIG STZ-1).

Does anyone have any ideas why this might be happening? My only thought is that the thermostat is paired with S2 authentication, so maybe it's ignoring incoming messages. Thanks

So a couple of questions to help frame the conversation:

  1. What driver are you using with the thermostat?
  2. What are you using to try and send messages with?

yeah, I don't think the thermostat drivers are setup to use S2 currently, can you exclude it, then re include it with security disabled and let us know how it works?

Driver is coming soon.. I have 2 of these..


Driver = generic zwave thermostat
I'm using the debug command buttons on the device screen (I also tried the rule machine).

I'd prefer to use S2 communication if possible to reduce congestion, but i can try it unauthenticated to see if that's the issue.

Thanks @bcopeland! I'm looking forward to the driver.

Please try it with no security, uncheck all the options...

@mike.maxwell I re-included without any security and things are working. I guess the S2 authentication was the issue. Thanks for the help!