Sending a fixed number of repeated actions

I see that you can repeat actions, but how do I repeat an action 5 times rather than continuously?

My last post was completely messed up.

You want to do a delayed Stop (under rule actions). Until the next release, this is going to take two rules, one your rule or trigger that starts the repeat. The second is just an Action. In the Action it starts with a Delay These Actions by 5 times the length of the repeat time. And it's other action is to Stop the main rule. This way, the main rule repeats for 5 times, and then stops. You run that Action from the main rule.

The next release will allow this to be done in your main rule, because Stop is gaining a delay. So you'd just put in the right amount of time for 5 repetitions, and then stop it.

how long until next release? might wait...

This week, maybe tomorrow.

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Now that you bring this up, it seems as though repeat should just have an option for n times. That won't be in this upcoming release, but I can do it for the one after that, in a couple of weeks.


now i see why there is community love for hubitat :slight_smile:

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This made it into the upcoming release:


This feature is now available in the latest release: Hub Update 2.0.3

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