Send text to only those home when garage is open

Hello all,

Use Case:
If anyone is home, between sunset and sunrise and the garage door is open or becomes open, send a text to only those that are home. Keep sending the text every 1 min until the garage door closes, send new text. If nobody is home, don't send a text, however once someone arrives, start sending texts.

My current rule will send 1 text, but not every few mins as I would like

Not to mention, I would like to add more logic to help round it out as you can see by the use case

Can someone help me with a Rule please?

Thanks in advance

I might have a solution using WebCore if I can figure out how to enable the Contact Book

I can save who is home in a variable, then I should be able to send a notification to those in the contact book, at least I think


I don’t have an answer for your rule, unfortunately... however, you should be aware that there is a 10 SMS text message limit per day on Hubitat. A repeating message, ever minute, will consume your limit very quickly, especially if sending to multiple users.

Until Hubitat releases their native mobile phone app, you can use Pushover to receive push notifications for a one time $5 fee. Hubitat has added native support for Pushover. For more information, there is a thread here in the forum.

I'm not certain about the repeating text, but as @ogiewon mentioned, you have a limited number per day. Better to use Pushover or IFTTT for that. I see that you have cancel on truth change, and my understanding is a rule is only evaluated and executed when there is a truth change, so if the rule truth only changes once, while the door is open and someone is home from Sunrise to Sunset, then I think you will only get notified once. What might work instead is to have the rule truth action trigger a virtual switch that would turn on after 1 minute and turn off after 1 second. That switch turning on could be the trigger that causes the rule become false and then true again, as long as the other conditions were met. In order to get the "Door Closed" message, my limited knowledge of RM would result in another rule to handle that. :wink:

I do see that as this is written, it will send you the wrong message outside of Sunrise and Sunset, because that will cause the rule to be false and so you'll get a text that the door is closed, when it is not. Instead, set a restriction between Sunset and Sunrise so the rule won't be active during that time.

As far as sending this to only the person at home at the time, I would probably handle that with a separate rule for each person. So I would have to handle this with four rules if I wanted to notify two people, but only the ones that were home. The "Door Closed" rule I would handle by evaluating the same conditions, and a rule false action would turn on a virtual switch that would cancel the matching (opposite rule). A true result in the "Door Closed" rule would turn that rule cancellation switch off.

I'll bet @bravenel can suggest a way to do it in two rules or less.

This is what I am doing in Webcore. Not exactly what you are looking for but kind of close. I have it send me a push notification using pushover once per hour until the garage door is closed. The notification tells me how many hours total the garage door has been opened. I have something similar for my front door and sliders as well, but they send the message every 10 min.

Here's a basic way to do what you were asking. I'm using Google Assistant Relay just for testing. You would obviously substitute Pushover, IFTTT or Twilio notifications. I have this based on everyone being AWAY, but obviously you could substitute anyone present. Again, you would probably not want to do it that way, since it would only notify only a single person or everyone, not just the people still at home. Better to create the rule for each person's presence and notification setting.

I'm fairly certain you would also want to know if the door was left open when no one was present, so you would then duplicate your rule and create a version that covers everyone being away, and in that case it should notify everyone if the door is left open.

The following rule just gives you the thumbs up when the door has been closed. I could not figure out how to make this only notify you that the door has been closed if it was previously notifying you about the door being open. I personally would not use this additional rule, because I wouldn't want a message every time the door closed, I would only want to know if it had been left open.



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