How do you set a playlist to play as an action? I can see where you've got 'set track' but how do i specify a playlist? I've tried looking at the logs and when you start a playlist it just shows the name of the first song in the logs.
Did you ever figure this out? I've tried passing playlist uris but I can't seem to get it to work.
Sadly, no I didn't. I started using a trigger from Hubitat to say through the Sonos 'Play X Playlist' that the alexa device then heard and played back through the sonos but it wasn't reliable.
I am using a Node.js server running the Sonos HTTP API from jishi (GitHub - jishi/node-sonos-http-api: An HTTP API bridge for Sonos easing automation. Hostable on any node.js capable device, like a raspberry pi or similar.) and send HTTP commands via that API to play Sonos playlists. Works great and reliably for me.
Yeah... that was my next stop. I've got a spare raspberry pi I could use, just have to dig up an sd card. I was thinking I'd use it with something like Hubitat/Drivers/http-momentary-switch.src at master ยท ogiewon/Hubitat ยท GitHub to send the commands from a dashboard.
Ahh..good ole jishi. I started writing an app using this api back in April of last year but threw it out when the Sonos internation was released. Really simple and comprehensive.
Would you have suggestions for a newbie on they best way to run this?
I don't have a RasberryPI setup yet, but I do have a Windows PC running a Plex server that perhaps could do this?
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