I want to replace a slide bolt on an exterior steel double door. I don't want to mortise the jamb. I could do a hack with 12vdc linear actuator but I'd rather have off-the-shelf (though I don't think it exists).
You could change to a magnetic lock
Yeah, I looked at those but it suffers from the same kludge-effect (and lack of reporting) as the linear actuator.
I'll just leave this here.
If you engage it with a dry contact, you would know the state.
Zigbee dry contacts are hard to find. Might be easier to just put in a Z-Wave version
Ain't that the truth.
OK, I'm one minute in and I can see how he's already exceeded his $25 budget. I mean, is he expecting us all to get free magnetic locks from Banggood?
LOL. Don't be a hater. It has its place. Really like my Z-Wave door lock and my Z-Wave HEM does just fine. The rest of the house is Zigbee. It's like ebony and ivory man!
Budget not a problem. I just happen to prefer cheap-but-elegant, hhh. Oh, and easy.
Honestly flashing the Sonoff is the worst part of that video. But do it with a Qubino would be simple. I do agree with the idea of having a physical button inside to disengage in case of fire for quick exit. Wouldn't be a bad idea to add battery backup as well so in a power outage the door is not unsecured.
You could use one of these e-stop buttons to disengage the power and it would keep the lock power off until you twist the button to pop it back up.