I have this Hubitat with a lot of empty disk space; why wouldn't I save everything I can? I don't have CPU or database size problems yet, so I'll continue.
I do use Maker API to send events via URL to another machine for logging, but with network rewiring and machine reboots and downtime, a few events get lost. I like to know that I can get at all the events even when the external logging drops a few for whatever reason.
I haven't checked the contents of my external Maker API event log file against the records kept on Hubitat. I'd be interested to see how many records go missing.
Feature Request: Have Maker API put the date (seconds since epoch, UTC) into the event record so that I don't have to do it.
Feature Request: A button (and web API) to download all the events for a device. I know you can write a crazy URL to do it, but that's crazy: Downloading events, is there a method to download all at once? - #8 by DriftN2Forty