Scrolling through tens of thousands of events one screen at a time

Maker API lets you set a URL to which every event is POSTed. Point the URL at some web server and have a CGI script save the events into your favourite database. I outlined saving events into a file and using gnuplot here: Simple event graphing using Linux tools and gnuplot

I got tired of having the web server constantly servicing events and filling up my Apache logs, so I changed the Maker API URL to point to a different port and used xinetd to listen on that port and run the program that adds the date and saves the JSON records. I could have used the same script, but I took the opportunity to write some C code instead. (That's the first C program I've written in about a decade.)

Feature request: Have Maker API put the date (seconds since epoch, UTC) into the event record so that I don't have to do it.