i live in the SF bay area. in my area we occassionally get notified in the winter that an "spare the air" alert is in effect. During the spare the air alerts we are not allowed to burn wood.
I'd love to have a box in my dashboard that says "clear" or "Advisory" or "Alert" based on fetching a status from the spare the air website that the local government run on sparetheair.org
Is there any way this can be done without writing the functionality from scratch?
Unless they have a simple status page somewhere that just has that, you would need to parse the result one way or another. It could be a really simple driver that just queries that page and parses the status out regularly. Not sure if you could build a Rule that can parse though... It could definitely get the http for the page but I do not know about the variable editing...
You need to sign up (free), but there are a few restrictions. The domain of the webpage that hosts the widget needs to be provided, and they create a token that'll work for you. The code that needs to be inserted is something like 3 lines. I've implemented on my personal site, and it works well.
All that said, I'm not sure how to implement this on HE Dashboards. Perhaps someone else here might have a way to embed a script? Of course, the limitation of the domain might cause problems.