Schlage FE599 Officially Supported?


I have reviewed the threads for this latch lock. Has the latest drivers of Hubitat as 7/14/2020 officially addressed the issues? The Feb 19 thread was very exhaustive for various workarounds. Is it turnkey at this point??

Thank you in advance.

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Due in part to the volume of issues no Schlage locks are officially supported at this time. That being said they are unofficially supported, in that there are drivers to use their devices.

Alfred, August, Keywe, Kwikset and Yale locks are supported at this time.

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Thank you, I have a an identical Sclage but not in the Z wave format. I will review the Kwikset 912 carefully. Thank you again!!.

If yours is Zigbee give it a try before replacing it. Someone people have had good luck with them than Z-wve (especial non Plus devices like mine :frowning: ). If you prefer to have something else, that's fine, just saying you might want to try it if you already own it.

I have a FE599 that I am running on HE and it works great. It just so happens, however, that it is close to my Hub. It is also one of the newest locks that I have. My older Schlages are all BE469 and all work ok. I have a pretty robust Z-wave network, but I still have one lock that is giving me problems. It is the furthest from my hub and I am trying to work out getting a better z-wave signal to it.

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Don’t buy a FE599 if you haven’t already. By far this is the flakiest device in my home. Hours of time invested into getting it right and just still always manages to disappoint. Finally had it dialed in for a solid year and all of a sudden it went to :poop: again. New batteries, repair, reset, repeaters, support help... save yourself the misery, trust me. My wife and I have a “game” when we arrive home to see if my lock actually actions on my arrival rule. It’s a complete 50/50, and 100% never works when our hands are full :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

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Thank you all, I ordered the Kwikset 912. There are very few latch locks available for the Z-wave. The only ones I found are the FE599 and the Kwikset. Most of the locks seem to be the bolt variety and I really need just a latch.

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