Schlage BE469NX- is all hope lost?

I took the dive into Hubitat a few weeks ago, and my door lock is getting to be a major pain in the tuchus.

First, I realized I needed to buy a Z-wave repeater to get it to work. Done. Just set it up. Now, my C7 will read the door lock status- but I cannot program codes, and cannot control the lock from the HE.

I used the lock code manager, and trying to program codes caused job failures.

I was looking to save money with no monthly subscription fee (goodbye, Nexia!), but that may be offset with more equipment- and lots of ibuprofen. :frowning:

There are some pretty big lock updates coming to 2.2.9..


What firmware is on the lock? How close was the lock when you paired it?

Did you try reliable lock?

using reliable locks with my BE469ZP, and it's not reliable. Moved it back to ST for now, until Bryan fixes it :grinning: