Scheduled Jobs Multiplying Over Time

I've got a RM5.1 rule that has been causing me issues and my recent solution has been to automate stopping and restarting the rule every day to prevent this from happening. Over time, maybe once a day, a duplicated periodicHandler is created, and that has caused issues when many events are being repeated rapidly every couple of hours. I don't think I have any other rules that do this, but it might still be user error. Thoughts?


Scheduled Jobs on day 1:

Portion of Scheduled Jobs a week later:

Could you perhaps show the rest of the rule setup, not just the triggers?

Here you go! Some of this is probably a little illogical now that I am looking at it again (been running in one shape or another for years), but I don't think it's going to create a bunch of scheduled jobs.

Hmmm... Strange. Has it only recently started doing this? What platform version are you running?

No, it's been doing it for quite a while I think. I was just occasionally stopping and starting the rule when I thought about it or when it got so bad it created issues with my other 5:00AM routines. is installed at the moment, but I was running up until a couple of days ago.

Bit of a stab in the dark... But what if you try changing the "zero mins after the hour" to... say 5 mins? I expect you won't know the outcome for another 12-24 hours....

Will give it a shot and report back. For posterity, here is what the Scheduled Jobs look like after making that change.

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Seems kind of like this issue that @mdiscavage is having with one of his rules.


It does appear the same as my issue. I reported a second time with the [BUG REPORT] tag here [BUG REPORT] Periodic Rule runs multiple instances RM 5.1. And @bravenel was able to find the problem right away.


Just a guess but You might try making one of the minutes or seconds non zero. Perhaps it should work but I've found a number of systems don't like boundary situations.

There is a known bug where a rule with both periodic triggers and sunset/sunrise triggers will fail as described. The fix for this will be in the upcoming 2.4.0 release.

A simple interim workaround is to split the periodic trigger off into a separate rule. The action of that separate rule would be Run Rule Actions of the original rule. That way, the two types of triggers would not collide causing this problem.