Scenes / Activation Issue

It looks like it did exactly what it was supposed to do. Do you see some problem with these logs?

Please show a screenshot of the Application State section for your Scene, from the App Status page (gear icon).

Front lights white

tams home scene

steves home scene

So this one above is showing the wrong colour temp value, but the adjust scene settings screen is correct for that one, here:

Only the first one has captured colour temperature mode. The other two are RGB.

You didn't answer my question:

Are we splitting hairs here?

I know the first one is CT and the other 2 are RGB.
DO YOU SEE A PROBLEM in the screenshots where I have a COLOURTEMPVALUE of 3460 for one bulb and 5682 of the second... But the scene has a setup of
Dimmer 100, RGB, Hue 39 Sat 100 FOR BOTH BULBS ?

I'm not answering your question.
All you are doing is making me go around in circles making me feel like a idiot. You haven't suggested one thing for me to try, one thing for me to change. You seem quite happy asking for screenshot ontop of screenshot where I dont think you even have an idea what my actual issue is. Ive tried to be calm about it but im over it now. All I wanted to do was to work out why the scene wasnt working as it should - be it my error and learn something/fix it or a bug - bring it to your attention and have it resolved.

If you're not interested in helping send me to support.

7:11pm - front door opens (contact sensor)

7:15pm - RM3 turns them off

and 7:16pm bulb (single) turns back on and also front light switch turns on.. which controls both bulbs.

DEV 323 - front door contact sensor
APP 523 - simple lighting - turn on scene (front lights white)
DEV 676 - Virtual Switch (White) which I was going to use in restrictions IF I could get multiple switches set (requested in a different thread)
DEV 514 Hue Front 1
DEV 516 front light switch (group of hue 1 and 2)
DEV 515 Hue Front 2

DEV 676 - virtual switch white
DEV 677 - virtual switch pink
DEV 678 - virtual switch green (to be used in restrictions so as to not turn them from that colour when the front door opens - future lighting plan)
hue 1 front turns off
hue 2 front turns off
front light switch turns off

hue 2 turns on
front light switch turns on

This is a new problem, not relating to my initial issue.

But Steve, we need to see "screenshots" you must have something else on Hue bulb 2 that isnt on hue bulb 1. Nope - they are identical in the "in use by"... more screenshots.

and lets go overboard, heres screenshots of those 5 "in use by"
Front lights off

Steves Home

Tams Home

Front Lights White

Ok, so with front lights group, I can see an issue here that the group switch will be turned back on IF a bulb in that group is on. WHICH explains the switch turning back on, BUT NOT why bulb 2 turns itself back on.

im willing to eat humble pie and apologise to everyone that has read this and/or tried to help. I cant see the issue.

803pm - walked out the front to put the bin out

807pm - waited outside to see what would happen. Both lights turned off at 4 minute mark. Then I waited over a minute outside to see if bulb 2 would turn back on.

IT DIDN'T.. but steve, that means your issue is fixed!!

Well no, it means that sometimes it will work and sometimes it wont, for no reason.
I didnt touch a settings, a scene or a group. That 45 minutes was probably wasted taking a million screenshots, still asking for help, and posting them here.

I understand your frustration. I was reading this thread and was wondering when this would happen.

It's all about communication. You are convinced there is a bug in scenes app (not saying there isn't). Bruce want to see the whole picture before spending his precious time to something (scenes work stable for a lot of us for a while now, so a bug is not likely).
Therefore he asked for a couple screenshots without any filters of the whole situation to make sure it's not something else doing this.

One thing I like to say, to everybody actually, don't tag the staff for everything in the first post. Because for most things the community is more then capable of helping with issues. Then staff members have more time for creating cool new stuff for us. Thank you.

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Ok so next step, get in the car and head out of the geofence, wait for the presence to fire, pulled out the cloud dash and waited for the front door/white light scene to turn off.
Re-entered the geofence and the Steves Home fired.

837pm : geofence fires, steves home front lights fire, bulb 1 and 2 are set to the right hue, saturation and colour mode.
838pm : bulbs are set to a colour temperature 3460

Right, so instead of waiting 4 minutes to see the green turned off (unrealistic, I am out of the car and through the front door by then) I open the front door.

838pm: front door opens, bulbs are changed to CTs colour temp 5682
8.39.30pm: Hue bulb 1 - hue is set to 52% saturation 81%.

8.40.30pm: Hue bulb 2 - hue is set to 52% saturation 81%.
Why the minute difference ???

8.41pm: 4 minutes after turned on RM3 turns it all off

This was my initial issue, bulbs not changing to their right colour (this did after a minute). I put the VS in place so now I can restrict Front Lights White turning on with the restriction on Front Lights Green as I have nominated for them not to turn on if the green VS switch is on. This was also the reason of my other thread to have multiple switch restrictions so I can have each VS not fire if the other 2 are on.
This Doesnt Explain the issue above at 716pm.

No no, if I have done this, i accept full responsibility and will apologise for it. But the more I delve into it, and cant, and no one else can give me anything to try to help fix the issue.

I mean, just assume im an idiot, his post weren't super helpful if it seemed that I wasnt understanding what he was actually asking me Because I was getting frustrated.

I typically tag the person / reply in the post for whoever made the app im having issues with as they probably know it the best.

No ones replied here with any ideas.

Hey, im open to it, i wouldnt go to this length if I didnt want to find the answer.

Apologies @bravenel for lashing out. I let my frustrations get the better of me.
I am very interested to get to the bottom of these issues.

I actually think it is an issue with scenes.
Last night I edited an old scene to include shutting off my study lights.
The scene says ON, but in the Adjust scene settings it is listed correctly as OFF and logs shows that it switches it on.

come to think of it I added in a wemo wifi power outlet called "plex" in that scene. It also Doesnt turn off even though in the adjust page its listed as off.

Like @april.brandt said not to I accidentally changed a name of a mode and spent some time fixing that. Tried to make a new scene to fix something, can't make scenes now / edit them I mean. Rebooted but didn't help. Same as what I've posted, off's are ons and vice versa

I'm sorry you're having difficulties.

There does appear to be some problem with adjusting a switch setting. Will investigate.

Update: There is indeed a bug with respect to adjusting the switch state. Fix has been made and will be in the next release. This bug could also affect other scene settings.

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Hey @bravenel
Thanks for that RE the switch issue in scenes (new issue outside the original post).
What can I do about the other issues.

1. The bulbs not changing to the right colour in the scene straight away (8.39.30pm/8.40.30pm)

2. One bulb turning itself back on for no reason ? (716pm)

3. Steves Home scene calls for dimmer 100, hue 39, sat 100 RGB, but the application state has a different comptempvalue

4. the possibility to have multiple switches as restrictions for scene (currently restricted to two)

I don't know what is causing these issues, and again, the logs you're posting don't really shed any light on a possible cause.

This is not on the list right now, as there are multiple other ways to accomplish this.

So just for me to confirm and drop it, I have supplied everything - logs and scene/device etc and there is no "reason" as to why its not working, its just Not working - full stop.

There is nothing I can try or change, I have built it correctly but the system is giving results that are not as per the programming.

4. Agreed there are multiple ways, the simplest would be to click two switches in the one restriction instead of making up a new bunch of things to get the same result.

Do i need to look at a replacement hub then ?

This is not a faulty hub. You have to do some troubleshooting. You must isolate this down to basics.

  1. Do the individual devices work as expected from the device page.
  2. Do the individual automations work as expected when fired individually and in isolation (show logs on a blank logs page to show each thing that happens).

These are the steps that must be taken to find what is causing the behavior you are seeing. From what you've posted, it is not at all obvious that there is any problem other than rules or other automations not being set up correctly. You must identify the specific thing that is not working as expected. Showing device logs doesn't really do that. For instance, when you say that some device turns back on by itself, does it do this when it is turned on from the device page? Does it do this when the scene it is part of is activated in isolation? If it only does this as a result of more complex automations, the problem most likely lies in that complexity. It is extremely unlikely that the behavior you report is due to a faulty hub.

Only when you've diligently taken these troubleshooting steps, will you or we be able to tell what is or is not going on.

Hey @bravenel, thanks for that.
To be honest I dont think I have tried to turn the device on directly from the device page. So I will give that a go tonight and see what results I get.
I understand what you've written there and what to look for. In regard to the bulb turning on, I actually got two different results, under the same conditions, 30 minutes apart.
I dont think it would be from an overly complex automation as they are just contact sensors firing scenes, pretty simple in that respect.
Continually looking I think it might also be an issue with the Hue Hub. I can randomly check it now and then to find a bulb set to unresponsive, go to HE and turn that bulb on, and it turns on, but yet the hub still reports it as unresponsive.
The hue is less than 6m from all the bulbs in the house, so not sure what is happening there. I might look to see if there is some logging for the hue I can turn on to find if that is part of the issue.
I have my HE set to channel 20, is there a good channel (preferred) for the Hue to be set to ?